
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Almost time for baby Garret and baby Caleb

Today was Shelley's baby shower in Decatur. Mom and I rode with Kelly Bachman and we got to Shelley's house about noon. At 1:00 we went to a nice Irish pub, Bennigan's, where the shower was held. It was beautifully decorated and Shelley got lots of nice gifts. There were around 25 people there. It was very cold! We ate appetizers made at the restaurant and wonderful cake and coffee. After the shower we went back to Shelley's and Kelly and I helped Shelley put away all of her things and we put together the playpen/bassinet thing, which was hilarious, because everything snapped together and we had problems!! Hope it doesn't fold up when Shelley puts Garret in there. Cary was stuck at the hospital, we Shelley, mom, me and Kelly went to Monical's pizza and had such fun there. In fact, that was the best part of the day, just the four of us laughing and eating pizza and had a nice long visit. We took Shelley back home, gave Cary a hug, since he was home by then and headed for home. Gosh, we were all so tired, all of this socializing is just tiring..ha ha.

Preston and Amanda, give little Hanna and Austin a hug for me and for Bill. The little Valentine's cards were just adorable and are on my fridge as we speak. So sweet of them and you, to take time to send them). I will be sending a box sometime next week and will be calling you. Amanda, I hope you are doing well with the pregnancy and it won't be long now, will it.? I am getting excited, the time has gone so fast. Can't wait to see you all, and especially baby Caleb. You will have to give him grandma hugs until we get together. : -)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Where the heck have I been

Well, the time is flying by! Since we visited Shelley, Bill and I have been in winter hibernation, just like every year, after all of the holidays are over, we just relax and get rested up for Spring when we go back to work. It's nice to just sit and drink coffee, watch the business channel or a movie in the middle of the afternoon and stay in my jammies all day, if I want. Bill, on the other hand, jumps out of bed and gets dressed immediately, shoes and all, like he has somewhere important to go...lol.

Anyway, since last I posted...mom has had catarac surgery on her right eye, and is coming along nicely with it. We also got mom some hearing aids and now I have to ask her to turn UP the tv instead of turn it down, she says they work great and I am so glad she can hear everything again.

I have had a colonoscopy (yesterday), as I have been having some digetive problems, and needed to have one anyway because of my age. Everything came out ok and I don't remember a thing (thank God)!. So, the doc thinks I have irritable bowl syndrome and gave me some pills, so we shall see if they work! At least I know there is nothing seriously wrong with me and that is a relief! My Dr. is a short chinese guy, named Dr. Ang, and I really like him, he is friendly and very efficient!

Tomorrow I am spending the day with mom and soon we will be going to Shelley's baby shower, Feb. 18th. Mom and I bought her lots of stuff and I made her a Winnie the Pooh blanket for little Garrett.

Preston and Amanda are doing well also. Amanda decided to do a family tree so I have been searching for pictures and information to help them out. Amanda is doing fine with her pregnance and I made them a blanket with the U.S. army emblem on it for baby Caleb, I am making some for Hanna and Austin also!

So, that is about all that has happened and you can see why I haven't been posting much! Things are just kind of in limbo right now.