
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

It'sMemorial Day, I would like to thank all of the soldiers who have
served and died through the years to keep our wonderful country a free
and safe place to live. On a personal note, I would like to thank my
many family members who have served also:my dads, my uncles, my
brothers, my son-in-law, my sister-in-law and a special thanks... to my youngest son,
Preston, who has made it his life's career to serve our country every
day. I love and salute you all.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Chris Black on THE HILL, singing "Crashin" (snippet)

Had a great time at "THE HILL" in Alma last night! For those of you who couldn't make it, Chris Black was fantastic, someone should sign this guy. I have some things I am putting on Youtube, but here is a snippet of an orginal song....thanks to Lex and Joyce Shuler for being wonderful hosts to all of the attendees.......it was such a fun night for all!

Entertainment at THE HILL

Friday, May 28, 2010

Stop the Abuse!!

Help stop the abuse of babies by over zealous face painters.........ARRRRRRR

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Grand kids, Paula Dean dessert and Avatar

I don't know why, but Garret thought we needed a picture of his hot dog...
Me and Shell
One of Shelley's beautiful roses...
The garden
Lucas, what a mischievous smile!

and mom spent the day with Shelley, Cary, grand boys, Marsha and Christine. Had a gread time, delicious Paula Dean dessert made by Christine, we watched Avatar in Blueray....fantastic! It was so nice to give everyone a hug....

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Spring garden taters

Bill worked hard on the garden today, and we both worked on it yesterday, planting sweet potatoes, moving some volunteer tomatoes plants, planting flowers and WEEDING...look at all of my beautiful potato plants! Just made some strawberry freezer jam and am watching the History channel.....had a great day, but I'm ready for some sleep.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Out with the Girls..

went out for supper with some friends tonight, had a great time...I laughed so much my stomach still hurts....lol....Margarits and Mexican food....good times.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

No music on THE HILL

We were disappointed that the music performances on The Hill were cancelled due to weather, but enjoyed the day with hubby and a friend, lunch at Subway, then stopped to see some old friends in Edgewood...having some hot coffee and chocolate....hope everyone is having a good day.

Monday, May 10, 2010

New Pictures of South Carolina grand kids

A new photo of my grand kids in S. Carolina....I miss them so much....Molly, Hannah, Austin and Caleb....hugs for you all.

Mother's day, 2009

We took the moms out Saturday night, to Smokey Snow's, in Salem. We had a great meal and a fun time. All of my youngin's called yesterday too..enjoyed the day just relaxing.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Avatar...what a cool movie

We just finished watching "Avatar", wow, wow, wow, James Camerson outdid himself this time, just fantastic, I highly recommend it.

I have been out hoeing the garden, and hilling the potatoes and feeding the tomatoes and blueberries, I guess a storm is coming this afternoon, otherwise I wouldn't have to work so hard this morning..... :-P....I'm having a great day though, and am wearing my ridiculous straw hat that makes me look like Mother goose....

Saturday, May 01, 2010

The Fourth Kind

just finished watching "The Fourth Kind"....very disturbing docu/drama...with actual audio and footage...has anyone seen it, and what did you think?

P.S. after some "wickipedia-ing"...found out this movie was all fake, as far as the "actual video" which was also done by actors...boo!