
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Birthday, Terry, lunch at Java Joes

After the funeral, we decided to go to lunch. It was Terry's birthday so we went to Java Joe's in Centralia, what great food and a fun place to go. Enjoyed it so much, especially after the sad morning. My old friends, Sandie and Carol, made it extra special. We have known each other since grade school, seems like yesterday.

Life's not always fun times.

Our friend, Linda Phillips Miselbrook's father passed away this week. Me, Carol, Sandie, and Terry went to the funeral together. Linda said it meant so much to her for us to be there. She was hugging us and wouldn't let go, poor thing. It was a beautiful service and the family is very large, so it was good they could be there for each other too. Such a sad, sad thing, even when the person has lived a long and happy life. It just broke my heart to see Linda cry, just love her like a sister.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Edgewoodfest faces

Friday night was great, but the heat was just unbearable Saturday. The heat index was 107.5, and the humidity was 79 per cent, still it did not rain...just horrible. Also, it cost $15.00 per adult to get in and then they had to spend $12 on a wrist band for the kids to ride the carnival rides...so all in all, I made more money in 2 hours Friday than I did all day on Saturday. I'm pretty sure I will not be doing this event again, but still enjoyed the wee ones an the face painting...

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Well, I was a big hit at the first night of the festival last night! I was planning on leaving as soon as the sun went down because I have no lights, but I just couldn't say no to those little faces and ended up painting by the lights on the tilt-a-whirl....lol...I really ejoyed it so much, even tho we are in the heat... and humidity of the summer...off I go again today for a LONG day...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

When there is nothing to watch on TV, you can always depend on a Rambo movie to be on, right?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy Birthday, George!

Only in Kinmundy....

Only in Kinmundy...I was outside tonight and kept hearing music, pretty soon it got closer and it was the theme from the Lone Ranger...yep, some guy had a huge boom box in the back of his pick-up riding around town with the Lone Ranger theme blasting....I can't make this stuff up....I got quite a laugh out of it and made me appreciate my crazy little town.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Foster's , where are you?

Mom and I went on a wild goose chase today looking for Foster's Bar and Grill who called an want me to face paint there this Saturday at their summerfest...the original place burned down and I had to go into Mamamia's pizzaria and ask where their new location was, turn here, turn there, drive there...lol...finally made it!! Had to have caramel frappes too!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Lunch with the girls

Heading out to lunch with Jeannell and Teresa today. Always a fun time with those two... :-)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

We had a great time with my bro Kent and family last night! So good to see him. I just picked some fresh basil and dug new potatoes, gonna have some roasted in the oven with basil, garlic and olive oil...yummy!.....where are my Mentos?

Friday, June 11, 2010


Wasn't feeling well this morining, took some strong sinus/allergy meds and am better now. I made myself go outside and take a bike ride and walked the dog. I felt better so I baked a chocolate cake with icing and sprinkles. How exciting....I think I hear people snoring out there....

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Free Willy

Bill saved a turtle from a horrible death by weed eater today. We named him terri and kept him as a pet for about 15 minutes then released him at Kinmundy Lake...yep...a real
"Free Willy" moment...I know...we are insane, right?

Chipmunks running amuck in Haltermanville

Chipmunk house..........

We have been outside having coffee , watching the chipmunks run around the trees and across the grass. A nice cool morning.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Summer is definitly here!

has been outside working in the garden, listening to my favorite music, tried to think of it as a tanning opportunity........but yikes...it's too hot for me! Bill is downtown selling lemonade shake-ups today, so I think I'll just stay in the AC....stay cool!

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my son, Darren, today! Hope you are having a great day, son!

Aliens vs Predator

My mother-in-law just came over here to get us, something has left huge foot prints in her garden, I mean ALL over the garden, and dug up some potatoes in the process! My guess is space aliens.......Bill thinks it's a family of foxes, I'm voting for the aliens.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Take me back to the 60's

Bill Milam sent me this and it really took me back to my younger days:

Take me back to the 60's

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Back in "the day",

Becky Rankin found this old cheer leading picture of us, how fun!