
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

New planet discovered that most certainly has life

New Planet Discovered 100% chance of life, see this link

Still more apples

The wind has been relentless today! We worked outside anyway. I ripped up the green bean plants, and Bill gave the remaining green beans to some people down the road, I put up another 5 gallon bucket of apples, cause there are so many. Bill picked nearly all of them up and just gave them away to people today. Time ...for some supper soon, and some more of that apple pie...had a great day...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Got Halloween costumes

Took mom to her Dr. appt. this afternoon, then went to the Halloween store in Mt. Vernon, got our costumes, fixed supper and made an apple pie...what a beautiful day!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Using that persimmon

Worked outside part of the morning, putting screens in the greenhouse because the wasps decided to build a condo in there. It has been close to frosting temps at night so put some of my plants in there. Made the persimmon cookies and they are really yummy, thanks, Marsha. It's a beautiful fall day, glad summer is over.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Clinton Apple and Pork Festival

We had a great time at the Clinton Apple and Pork Festival yesterday with Shelley, the grand boys, Marsha and Christine. We took both boys and let Cary have a free afternoon at home. The kids were pretty good, it was cloudy, so it was cool.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Aunt Barbie's birthday injury

Mom and I went to my brother's house and celebrated my sis-in-law's birthday, I won't say how old she is, but it was a "milestone"...hee. Anyway, after much coffee, talking and laughing, we decided to light the candles....Barb smacks the back of her head on the chair after blowing out the candles...we laughed even har...der after that...please excuse my LOUD voice, I forget I'm next to the camera.....Happy Birthday, Barb, glad we could share it with you..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

14 Classic Twilight Zone Episodes

My favorite: The Invaders....check out the rest of them here, what's your favorite?

14 Best Classic Twilight Zone episodes

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A phone call from a dog

My phone rang, and there was a strange static sound, and no one answered, so I hung up. I could see who it was, but before I could call her back, she called me and said that her dog had called me...I guess he grabbed the phone out of her purse and hit the speed dial with his teeth. The static I heard was him chewing on Reba's phone...lol...never a dull moment...

Apples, apples everywhere

Making apple butter today, and freezing some apples for winter pies, oh, almost forgot about the rest of those green beans...I hope this is the end of the preserving food, I have enough to survive a post-disaster event, seriously..

Monday, September 13, 2010

Green Beanies

A beautiful day here today. We got 2 inches of rain Friday, and now I just picked huge quantities of green beans! I guess I know what I will be doing today!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

Red hat ladies meet again

Just got back from Red Hat meeting today. Great food and even better company. Those ladies can sure tell some funny stories, they are all such sweet ladies. Had a fun time. Next month I got talked into painting everyone's face for Halloween, this ought to be interesting...hee

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Juniper-twig Geometers

Bill thought this was a leaf on his bumper, but it was a very cool moth, look at the amazing design on the close up of it's head, awesome..

Visiting my bro and sis in law

Mom and I just
got back from visiting my bro, Milo and sis in law, Barb. We had a
fantastic time, I swear we all talk as fast as we can, like we will
never see each other again....maybe it is all the coffee and sweets or maybe it's because we just like to talk a lot. (Really??)
I'm going to go work in the greenhouse a bit an...d wait for the rain to
get here. Have a great day all.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Kinmundy Labor Day Festival

Had a great time (and a very busy time) at the Kinmundy Labor Day Festival. We are tired but happy. I found Linda M. and we watched her grand daughter run in the relay race....so cute....I am uploading some pix of a few faces I painted today, but I never stopped for 6 hours straight, and so we were the last ones to leave the park.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Gettin' ready

ready for the Labor Day festival tomorrow. I'm ready to go paint some
spidermen, and butterflies, and tigers...oh my....Made baked potato soup
and zucchini bread today....hope everyone has a fantastic Labor day..

Darren and Mindy came to see us...

Spent the day with Darren and Mindy. We had lunch at Pizza man, mom came along also, of course. We sat there for hours and had a great time, then went back to mom's for another hour or so...great to see those kids. It is Darren's 20th class reunion...am I really that old? Mindy brought us yummy jams, pickles, and pickled eggs...thanks Mindy.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

4 Chords

4 Chords is all you need to write all pop songs of the last 40 years

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Squash pie

Baking a pumpkin pie from home grown pumpkins, house smells yummy! Did you know that when you buy pumpkin in the can, that it is actually various butternut squashes and doesn't have any pumpkin in it at all.....and that's your cooking tip for today...anybody got whipped cream???