
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Chicken/mushroom bacon over spaghetti

My daughter posted this recipe on her fb page this morning, so you know, I had to try it! Delicious....chicken/mushroom/bacon over whole wheat pasta....! I am watching a few movies here. Bill and I watched "Arrival' last night, great movie, well done! If you decide to see this, (no spoilers), the flashbacks that you see in this movie are actually flashforwards....I think they should have let us in on that little bit of info earlier in the movie....hope you all have a good day.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Saturday supper

Black bean soup and some multi-grain artisan bread, that's what's for supper.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Lunch with the ladies of '67

I had lunch with my girls of '67 today, always a great time. We went to the American Legion, and look at our cute fruit plates... :) It doesn't take much to entertain US...See you all next month, and hope that our ill friends are back with us next time.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Dense fog this Wednesday morning in Kinmundy town

Good Morning from the Hippy Dippy Weather woman...lol...love foggy mornings, so long as I don't have to drive in it...

 These are horses roaming around the field in the above photo, but you can't even see them.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

This evening's sunset.....Spectacular!

After a gray and misty day, the sun finally peeked out at the end of the day giving us this spectacular sunset!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Sunday with the Halterman Clan

We had a fun afternoon and evening with family, went out to lunch, and did some shopping. There is a wildlife preserve just down the road and it was covered with geese (also ducks) this afternoon. They are always here this time of year. Just beautiful creatures. I hope you all enjoyed your day.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Gabby Goat American Pub and Grill

We went out for an early Valentine's Day lunch at Gabby Goat American pub and grill in Effingham today...great food! Look at the size of that sandwich! For all of you fb friends that have been bragging on this place, thank you...it was even better then expected. The place was packed to the max in the middle of the day, Loved it...we came back home and drove through Forbes state park, a few campers out there. It was 70 today, so wasn't surprised by that..Other than that, it was just ugly and gray. .I hope you all have had a great Saturday!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Red Hat Chickadees Annual Birthday Party

I had lunch with my Red Hat sisters today. We celebrated all our birthdays on one day! We also took some photobooth type pictures, . I gave away some of mom's teacup collection for prizes.She always loved those ladies so much. We had such a great time. I hope you all had a good day.

Wednesday, February 08, 2017


I'm watching VIKINGS and having a hot cup of coffee on this snowy afternoon...so pretty out


Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Good to know your own kids think you did a good job as mom

I earned all the discipline I got😏, thanks Mom for beating my ass when I was a kid. and thanks for letting me experience being a loser when I lost at something, and thanks for not coddling me.Or I could have turned out to be a Whiney little bitch when things didn't go my way.And maybe I would have gone and broke some Starbucks windows and thought that was called protesting.you did awesome.Click the video link above, that was posted on facebook along with this above message.

70 degrees and sunny..

What a pretty day, 70 degrees and sunny. I went for a walk and then sat in the sun on my swing with a nice cup of coffee, watching the horses next door. It was breezy, but a light jacket was all that was needed. I enjoyed it so much. Tomorrow in the 30's and a chance of snow...gotta love Illinois weather! I made a cocoa cake with coolwhip and sprinkles. . it's been a nice, relaxing day. I hope you have all had a great Tuesday.

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Superbowl finale

The only time we watch sports at all is once a year, when we watch the super bowl... What a game tonight!

Lady Ga Ga Superbowl half time

Well I have to say that was an AWESOME halftime performance by Lady GA Ga. Wow!