
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A day at Sincerely, the Craft..

Spent the day with these crazy ladies today, also got to see my daughter-in-law Mindy..she gave me a big hug..lol..We learned more about crystals, spices,poppets, smudging, candles and sacred oils. We had lunch at Seven, which was just around the corner. What a fun day!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Happy 10th Birthday to our grand daughter, Molly! Have a fantastic day! We love you bunches!

Friday, October 25, 2019

Ladies of '67 lunch

Had lunch at the Farm House Cafe and bakery with the ladies of '67. We had several of our out of town friends join us today. Cindie Young Watson, Jenny Holsapple and Ricki Adams McGuire. It was great to see everyone!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Fall Leaves are about at their peak color

It's Fall leaves time..a view from my road of the setting sun shining on the trees. It's the most wonderful time of the year! (At least to ME)...I hope you all had a great day!

One praying Mantis...extra large!

We saw this huge praying mantis yesterday. It was about 4 inches long....and that's about the most exciting thing that happened here....everyone have a great day!feeling silly.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday afternoon at Forbes State Park

We spent some time at Forbes State Park this afternoon. It's so pretty to watch the leaves turn each year. We were driving, but I took a few pix of this gorgeous sunset....there were orange shafts of light coming out of the clouds. I only had my phone, so couldn't do it justice. Another beautiful fall day here in Illinois...

Foggy morning

It's a beautiful, crispy, foggy morning here in Illinois. I tried to take some photos of the horses next door, but only this girl would cooperate, couldn't see the others for the fog and the weeds. Have a great day all!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Game Day!

Good times at game day at Country Creek Treasures today. We played a few games of Skipbo and Left, Right Center. Then came home and helped Bill clean fish he just caught. Guess what's for supper tomorrow night? Yummy! Having tea and doing some reading this evening. I hope you all had a great Friday!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Yet another memory....from 2012

I still remember this camping trip. The wind blew like crazy all day and all night and we were camping in a tent! Still a great time though...Halloween camping is always my favorite!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Happy Birthday to Us!

Today we had a pizza/Birthday Party. As a family we never get to celebrate our birthdays together, so today we did, it was everybody's birthday party, I put a candle on the cake for each person, and we sang happy birthday to us...we all sat around the fire this evening, they are all going back home tomorrow. It was a wonderful visit.

A visit from the brothers..lunch at Bandanas...

Not only did my daughter come to visit, my brothers did too. We ate lunch at Bandanas yesterday, and an old friend of my brother's joined us too, Paul Donoho...we spent the evening by the fire pit.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A surprise visit rom Shelley!

My daughter surprised me with an overnight visit yesterday! So great to see her.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Annual Red Hat ladies Halloween Party

We had our annual Red Hat Halloween party today. What fun! Even though it was a cold and rainy day, we had a great bunch of ladies join us today. Our Best Costume went to Mary Albert, who was a crazy lady clown. We had great fun playing Boo Bingo, lots of laughs and prizes..Oh, and Joan brought cake! Thanks Joan! Here are a few pictures, one I stole from Kathy Albert, so I will give her credit for one of the group pictures. It was a great day!

Another memory of me and my mama...2013

Me and my mom on Halloween 2013 and Uncle Bob's house after our Red Hat Party...mom was always so fun.  Sure do miss her.  :(

Monday, October 07, 2019

A memory....the Wild Bill's Concession days...

A memory for days of yore...

These were some really good times! Never thought we would own a concession trailer (or an ice cream shop, for that matter)...we sure had some interesting adventures as we traveled around selling food and lemon shake ups...sometimes life throws you a curve ball, and it turns out to be a blessing...

Saturday, October 05, 2019

Book signing for "Bootlegger" and girls day out...

I went to a book signing at Country Creek Treasures today, this is the second book by local author Brian Alvis and photographer, Robbie Edwards entitled "Bootlegger" Like the first book "Shipwrecked" this book is unique in that the story is told with photographs, as well as the written word, a storybook for adults. They told me the story starts right in our own city of Salem on the courthouse lawn, can't wait to read it...then had lunch at Applebee's with some old friends, and met some new ones today. Applebee's has $1 drinks, this one is called "Vampire".. ...You get free fangs! Then we went shopping, but avoided the downtown area because the Little Egypt Parade was going on in town...all in all, it was a really fun day..Time for some reading now..have a great evening!