
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, August 25, 2006

What's all this noise about Pluto not being a planet?

In 1987 my brother, Kent, and I went to California to visit our brother, Kim. We all traveled to Big Bear Mountain to a telescope making convention, where your average Joe can display his or her home-made telescope. It was a fun time of camping in the mountains and seeing all of the different types of telescopes. So anyway, the guest on Saturday was Clyde Tombaugh, the discoverer of the planet Pluto. So this is my only claim to fame, meeting Clyde Tombaugh and getting his autograph which is below the picture of Mr. Tombaugh. So, why after all of these year is Pluto being kicked out of out galaxy??? I ask you? Mr. Tombaugh would turn over in his grave if he knew this was happening. After all he did in his lifetime to further education in science this is the thanks he gets. Ok, the reason the scientists are giving for this decision is because using current technology there could be as many as 300 other planets in our galaxy equal to Pluto discovered near us well ...........so does this mean that the Disney Pluto will have to get a new name...like Xeno or something........think about it.......

The thing I remember the most about the convention was that next to our camping spot was a concession booth and they played the sound track from the Wizard of Oz", constantly, they sang every word and did the different voices , the munchkins, the lion, Dorothy, it was a scream....I remember sitting on the tailgate of my brother's red toyota pickup and drinking beer and eating cookies and laughing our asses off at these crazy people. Now that I have actually done the concession thing I can see how they got like that!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW how cool is that! WELL Pluto will ALWAYS be a planet to me, no matter what they say! LOL I love that you met the man who discovered it.... now I am thinking..

BEER and COOKIES! ??? ahhhhhh

You are too funny!