
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Thomas Jefferson and the Blues

Another adventure in St. Louis.....come on.......it's all we got!
We took the metrolink to Union Station for lunch, which was , once again, mandarin food, but it was delicious. The view was interesting, as alwasys,
The metrolink has added some more stops, so first we took a ride to the other destinations, but got off at Forest Park. Soon we came to the Thomas Jefferson Historical Museum.
Here is Bill with T.J.
One of the first exhibits was from the 1904 Worlds Fair, which, of course took place in St. Louis. There were quite a few items that had survied the 102 years since the fair.
Most of the pavillions that were built especially for the World's fair, were decorated with intricate ornate objects, here are a few survivors, it was amazing to see them along with the pictures showing the original buildings.

In the Foreign pavillions there were wonderful objects never seen by the average person , such as this beautiful chinese carved cabinet, what beautiful details.

One of the other exhibits was the Lindberg. Here is the actual flight suit worn by Charles Lindberg on his flight to France.
Original Newspapers were displayed on the walls with Headlings about Lindbergs historic flight.
This is a replica of the Spirit of St. Louis, the original is in the Smithsonian in Washington, DC
The main attraction was the Benjamin Franklin exhibit, of which I could take no pictures because there was security everywhere. So, just imagine his log when he was postmaster, his many inventions, some of which were actually exhibited, some were replicas or were from that time period and donated by other museums or individuals., but below is a firetruck that was designed by Ben Franklin and was beautiful preserved and decorated.
Outside the museum was this beautiful fountain. It was a gorgeous day for Sept. in the high 70's and sunny, no humidity..

After the museum we hopped back on the metrolink and headed for the landing and the Arch. The new part of the metrolink has some interesting decorations on the walls.
We found out on our journey to the landing that there was a Blues festival going on there (so that is my segway for my title...Thomas Jefferson and the Blues....I know, it's a pretty far reach.

The setting sun was reflecting on the arch and it was beautiful, but was so bright that it kind of disappeared in the this photograph.
The main attraction Sunday night, was Sonny Landreth...he was amazing. That Louisiana boy can sure play that guitar. There was no way to get close, so I just took a night picture holding the camera and so all is a big blur...so just imagine long haired Sonny playing his little heart out right here on this stage.

We has such a grand time. We got back home around midnight and we were so tired, but satisfied with a wonderful day together.

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