
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Hello to anyone who cares!!!!

It has been a little quiet around here. I have mostly been selling stuff on Ebay (yawn)...ha ha and being the good little wife.

Bill and I went to see the 3rd Pirates movie....At World's End......for the third sequel it was good, but not my favorite...why? You ask?

1. Not enough Johnny Depp
2. Too many twists in the plot
3. My head is still spinning from all of the special affects, which were fantastic, but like I said my head is still spinning.

One of the high points was when Jack (Johnny) ran into his dad (Keith Richards), Keith looks like a pirate on a normal day, but did a dandy job of playing his part...when Jack asks: "How's Mom?" Keith holds up a shrunken head. Jack says "She looks wonderful".....now that's funny right there, I don't care who ya are.

I have picked strawberries and made jam and froze some for winter when the snow is blowing and I can make nice hot shortcake and have me some homegrown strawberries.

Mom is finished with her radiation treatments and is on the mend. She is a sassy one!...mom, I mean that in the nicest way....;-)

Garret is growing like crazy, Shelley is doing well, Cary is having gall bladder problems, Darren's birthday was June 3rd, so we had a nice long chat. Preston is in Iraq and I haven' t heard from him, but I am sure he is just trying to get it all over with and get home and that is his focus.

Bill's mom is getting married Saturday, June the 9th. She has been widowed for 10 years now and is marrying a childhood friend, he is a very nice man named Xon. She is having a wedding with all the pomp and circumstance. The rest of this week will be decorating, and getting everything ready. It should be fun and the weather looks like it is going to cooperate.

The bees keep attacking the humming bird when he is trying to eat, so I have been fighting with them, I watered them down three times today and sprayed some cheap bug spray on them that Bill bought somewhere.....they were relentless, finally I took the feeder down until I was sure the bees were back in their hive, I just saw the little birds out there getting a snack.

That's my life here in Mayberry.....where there's a sign at the park that says " Park closes at 10:00 pm, please turn the light off when you leave."....If you listen closely you can hear strains of John Mellencamp's "Little Pink Houses" playing softly.

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