
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Red Hatter's hit the water in Alma..

Mom just sent me the above picture, you can get a better look at my Red Pirate Hat!!!
These first few pictures are very grainy because I had my camera set wrong...sorry...
Swim party at Judy's
I have returned from across the seas.....ARRRRRRR
Dinner's ready
So much food....
So Little time.....

Rhae thinks she is a matador!!! Toro Toro

Red Hat ladies have their own version of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Met Shelley and Garret at Tuscola

Mom and I went to Tuscola and met Shelley and Garret. Christy was along too. Garret was so cute, he just has magnetic arms. He was grabbing everything on the table. Mom said he was like an octopus. Shelley and Cary are leaving on vacation tomorrow. We had some iced coffee at McDonalds and a nice visit and then we all headed home.

Art in the dirt

Now here's something you don't see everyday. This guy actually paints on old dirty car windshields, just beautiful work here...

Here is the website if you want to see more:

More dirty car art here

Monday, July 23, 2007

I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry

Today Lydia and Rhiannon came by and spirited me away for the evening. We went to Effingham for Mexican food and then went to the mall and read singing greeting cards and laughed our asses off! Those girls are such fun. Soon, Scoot joined us and we went to the theatre and saw "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry", which was a hilarious comedy with Adam Sandler and the guy from King of Queens. A thumbs up! Even though it was our wedding anniversy (lucky 13), we had already celebrated it by our trip to Ireland, so I got home around 11:00, Happy Anniversary to Me!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

I'm Baaack!

If you would like to see pictures of our trip to Ireland Last week, here is a link to another blog where I have posted pictures and comments. We had a great time.

Pictures from Ireland 2007

Sunday, July 08, 2007

So do you like the dark vampirish poem below?

Ok, this is the lazy woman's way to write poetry, here is a website, aptly called: Goth-o-matic Poetry Generator....how easy can it be? Just click on one of the five links, fill in the blanks, and whoop.....da it is! You're a poet! Click the link below....

The blackest gift

the blackest gift

It is a night of dark desire, a song of death,
wolves vent their loneliness. The dark one

Curling wisps of death shrouds her gaunt form,
a lurking dread.

Her midnight hair cascades over
translucent ivory shoulders, and her
full blood red lips part slightly, to taste the
red tears streaming from the
pale flesh beneath

Now a night of ecstasy,
I awaken.