
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Oma Cisi's German Bakery

Kinmundy has a great new German Bakery, just a block from my house. They have the most beautiful cakes and pastries, all made by Germans from the old country...

I stopped by yesterday and got some turnovers and some windmills...they were made out of that light and flaky crust...raspberry creme turnovers, and apricot windmills....that cakes were whole cakes, and were a little pricey, but I bet they're worth it, like for a special party or something.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Pioneer pumpkin pie

I only had a couple of pumpkins that didn't rot in the garden this year. They were pretty small, but I baked them in the oven until the pulp was soft and then I pureed it and made a large pumpkin pie. If you have never tasted a pioneer pumpkin pie, you are really missing something. The flavor is so different from the canned pies I usually make..

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weird skies over Illinois

As the sun was setting tonight, the sky became a strange green, then orange color....then it got dark....and....nothing weird happened.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ingrams's Log Cabin Village and craft fair

Modern woman........Pioneer woman.
Inside one of the many preserved cabins....
Bucket o' buckeyes
Possum Trot String Band
Me and the corn shucks.....
"Smoke gets in your eyes"...if you're a pioneer woman
Spinning wool into yarn.

Dulcimer players added a nice atmosphere to the craft fair..thanks to the Historical Society in Kinmundy.

The famous Lex Shuler singing his "old man blues" song.
Me and Teresa goofin'....taking our own picture on a windy day in bad lighting....lol

Friday, September 18, 2009

I'm going to hell....but I laughed at this hilariously....

An Amazing work of human art

In case you can't read the small print on the bottom of the picture:

This is a human statue of liberty,composed of 18,000 soldiers in 1913.. Ft. Dodge, IA

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Red Hat Luau at the Fall Fling



Click about length to see pictures from the Red Hat Luau.....

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lydia and Cody's wedding

Lydia and her dad were zooming down the aisle, about the time she got by us, she told him to slow down!
I was sitting pretty far back, but I used the zoom and took this picture. It was such a pretty Lutheran church and the ceremony was very nice.
Lydia and Cody coming out of the church after the ceremony.
Two of the lovely bridesmaids. Kelsey on the right used to work for us at the ice cream shoppe. Lydia worked for us too for several years. She worked very hard in the concession trailer too. That's why she's special to us.
Here are the pictures of Lydia and Cody from their childhood years. The wedding theme was kind of a Fall/Camo theme. Everything thing was green and brown, but was very beautiful. The bridesmaids wore dark green satin strapless gowns, the groomsmen wore tuxedos with vests of camoflage, but it looked very classy.
Isn't this an unusual cake? Mostly I guess the cake topper is what makes it so unique.
A close-up of the cake topper...
Cody and Lydia visited each person at their wedding and gave us all a can cozy. I forgot to upload the pictures here, but they were camoflage and said "the hunt is over" on one side and had their names and wedding date on the other. It was very nice of them to give us all a gift.

Rhiannon, in the red shirt, and Mallory , with the blonde hair, also worked for us at the ice cream shoppe, so it was great to see them again. I see Rhiannon often, but Mallory lives in St. Peter, so hadn't seen her for a while. There were at least 400 people there, probably more. It was fun. We hadn't been to a wedding for a long time.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Darren's wedding day, but I'm not there.... :-(

Well, I was kind of weepy and sad today, thinking about Darren's big day and I can't be there. So I went out to lunch with my old friend, Linda Miselbrook. We went to the Leaky Bucket and had sandwiches and watched the hummingbirds outside the windows. She brought her pictures from Alaska and they were just amazing. We just had the best time. She really cheered me up. Sometimes you just need your peeps.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Darren waves from Honolulu..... "Hi, Mom"

Quite by accident I found this Waikiki webcam on Google Earth. I sent the link to Darren and he wrote me right back and said it was right by his and Mindy's hotel. What are the odds? So he called me and said he was there, but I couldn't see him. He said he was wearing red, and across the road by the stop light was a person in red. I asked him if two girls with yellow surfboards just walked by him, he said yes..so I could see him, but he was too far away for a decent picture. I told him to cross the street. The webcam takes a picture about every half second or so. So, while he was crossing the street it was really funny....First he was HERE and then he was HERE and then he was THERE...finally he found the place under the street light and I save the picture and posted it to Facebook..See? He's waving: "Hi, Mom, from Waikiki Beach"...it was so cool to see him. He and Mindy are getting married Thrusday, the 9th right on the beach at sunset. I'm so happy for them and hope they can post some pictures soon. Darren is having trouble with the upload thing on Facebook. Anyway, just love this picture of him..

Friday, September 04, 2009

I wanted it to be MY watermelon.... :-(

One of the watermelon vines died, so I had to harvest it. It felt heavy and sounded right, so I put it in the frige and a couple of days later I cut it open, all nice and cold...Well, it wasn't ripe yet...so I had to feed it to those chickens....they thought they were on a picnic, eating watermelon on a hot summer day.....I was so ready to have some myself.....looks like they enjoyed it though.

This mead is the bee's knees..

Here are a few bottle of the homemade mead. I had no ink in my printer, so I used old newspapers and cut out the letters like the kidnappers do....
The wine is very light and tastes like honey, but I had to add extra honey after fermentation, since I prefer a semi-sweet wine. The fruited mead is still on it's finishing fermentation. I think I'll have enough wine for a while. I need to just invest in the proper equipment and make wine that can age properly. It still needs to carify some yet, but is drinkable.