
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

The end of the Road for 2009

uff filled with ice cream and topped with chocolate mallow cream....T-Birds has a 50's/60's theme, and is a sports bar. Thi is a poster of the Beatles when they first started their career as the Silver Beatles.
There were lots of posters of our favorite musicians and singers from the past.

T-Birds, where hotdogs is their main dish.

Devils's Kitchen lake, this may look like a black and white photo, but it was really that gray out there today, and COLD.
The other side of the lake
I told Bill....let't take some pictures on the boat dock.....you go first....lol
We took a brisk walk in the cold December air, and then decided to take a self portrait, because it would be too easy to use the timer...ha ha.

I asked Bill, why he looks like Dr. Evil in this picture...
So, he was trying to take a picture of the sign behind us that says Devils Kitchen Lake, but all you can see is evils...oh, so THAT'S why he was looking like Dr. Evil in the last photo.
Some kind of cool little fishing/hunting cabin on the lake.
Starting to get dark and time to start home.

The moonrise as we were coming into Alma, IL...supposed to be a blue moon tonight.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New junk store in town, so mom and I had to go...

Mom and I checked out the new "junk" store in Salem that my sis-in-law told us about, we had so much fun and we both found some Red Hat stuff too, thanks, Barb. Came home and baked some sugar cookies, Bill is outside shooting at squirrels, 'cause he got a new scope for his gun...I will see what other exciting news I can find to report to you later....ha ha

10 mins later.........All the squirrels saw him coming and ran away, so he had to practice on tin cans..

20 mins. later...........the squirrels are safe, he's walking the dog.

Monday, December 28, 2009

My new computer is so cool!

My bro put 2000 songs on my itunes on my new puter, so I have spent the afternoon listening, deleting and adding to my ipod, only got through the A's, (Abba, ac/dc, acoustic allchemy, aerosmith), oh, I see I still have Alice Cooper on there...yikes! Plus already had about 100 of my favs already on the pod...my ears are tired. hee

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The 13TH

It was a snowy cold day, but so cozy to be inside where it was warm. Finished one book and started another. Now I must go thank my friend, John Everson, for giving me a small cameo appearance in his new book THE 13TH...in book stores everywhere..

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas night, it's all over now....!!!!...well, almost..

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas day! I got a new computer, I am really enjoying it. My other one was having "attention" problems, it kept going to sleep and wouldn't wake up...lol....anyhoo, I am surfing and watching "Hounds of the Baskerville"...wearing my comfy new jammies. That wind is really roaring outside.

Christmas Eve and Day 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Girls of '67 Christmas Party

Fancy Schmancy wine bottle cork remover thingy...waaaaay to complicated, they are reading the instructions, we were getting really parched....
Everything was funny to Vickie....
Our wonderful hostesses, Sandie Phillips and Carol Schwartz
Erma, Jenny and Trish having some snacks.
Erma, Jenny, Sheila, and Trish

Great to see Margaret again.
Cindie, Rita and Vickie...Vickie is still laughing.
Sandie was serving some delicious tea that she got while in China.
The tables were just beautiful.
What a wonderful menu, twice baked potatoes, chicken with some delicious sauce, fruit salad, lettuce salad, with strawberries and pine nuts, and a sweet vinegarette dressing.
The food was fantastic, with chocolate-covered red velvet cake balls and peppermint ice cream for dessert...yum...we could hardly move after all of the food, but it didn't stop us from laughing and talking non-stop.
Here is out little group, Left front row: Margaret Smith Kohrig, Linda Phillips Miselbrook, Cindie Stanford Dice, Vickie Whittaker Johnson, Second row, left to right: Jenny Kaiser Holsapple, Sheila McKelvey Halterman, Trish Whiele Timm, Erma Meador Bumgarner, back row: Sandie Young Phillips, Carol Easley Schwartz, Rita Boudet Black.

We always have such fun at our little yearly parties, there is always much laughing, remembering, serious conversation, but mostly the caring we have for each other as friends for many, many years.

A short story: The tables were decorated with napkins and candy canes, so we were helping clean up, and Rita and I were collecting the candy canes, Rita looked at me and said, we should do something with these, so we headed back to Sandie and Mikes bedroom and hung them all over their room, the ceiling fan, the closet door handles, the light switches, the night stand handles, anywhere we could find, then we put a few on their pillows....well WE thought it was funny anyway! As Jenny Holsapple said, " Sandie and Mike got 'caned' ".

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Winter's here

I swear it's a wonder we haven't been blown to kingdom come today! What horrible wind, and it's 18 degrees now and headin' down....glad I'm under my blanket on the couch, I'm such a sloth....hee

Monday, December 07, 2009

Garret's injury...Part 2

Lucus just lookin' cool....

Garret was supposed to be watching cartoons in Shelley and Cary's bedroom and he decided to jump around on the bed and lost his balance and crashed into the dresser.....8 stitches...not so cool.

Chicken snowcones

Watching chickens see snow for the very first time is more entertaining than anything on tv, the rooster was high stepping, some hens thought they'd fly over it, some just stared in disbelief, the older hens started eating it, cause chickens love to eat snow, in case you didn't know... :-)

Thus...Chicken snowcones.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Mainstream comedian, Lewis Black at Rosebud Theater in Effingham, IL

We have a fun evening at the Rosebud Theater with Cary and Shelley when we went to see comedian Lewis Black. He was very funny and also very gracious when we met him afterwards to get his autograph. Before the show we sent to eat with Shelley, Cary , Teresa and Mickey, it was quick though because no one could get there early. We had a great time though.