
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

The end of the Road for 2009

uff filled with ice cream and topped with chocolate mallow cream....T-Birds has a 50's/60's theme, and is a sports bar. Thi is a poster of the Beatles when they first started their career as the Silver Beatles.
There were lots of posters of our favorite musicians and singers from the past.

T-Birds, where hotdogs is their main dish.

Devils's Kitchen lake, this may look like a black and white photo, but it was really that gray out there today, and COLD.
The other side of the lake
I told Bill....let't take some pictures on the boat dock.....you go first....lol
We took a brisk walk in the cold December air, and then decided to take a self portrait, because it would be too easy to use the timer...ha ha.

I asked Bill, why he looks like Dr. Evil in this picture...
So, he was trying to take a picture of the sign behind us that says Devils Kitchen Lake, but all you can see is evils...oh, so THAT'S why he was looking like Dr. Evil in the last photo.
Some kind of cool little fishing/hunting cabin on the lake.
Starting to get dark and time to start home.

The moonrise as we were coming into Alma, IL...supposed to be a blue moon tonight.

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