
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Nightmare on Cherry St..... :-)

I had a nighmare last night and I woke up with my heart pounding, I was in the Woody Harrelson, zombieland movie, only it wasn't a movie, it was real. I was helping Jon Crier (!?) kill zombies until I realized that Jon Crier was a killer zombie himself, and then I woke up.....

Friday, January 29, 2010

Kinmundy Gothic

This reminded me of me and Bill...Old time people in an ultra modern world.

Just another day in Kinmundy

Since it was 13 degrees, we decided to walk to town to do some errands. It was NOT windy, so it was really invigorating, on the way home we stopped by the german bakery and got some donuts and heart-shaped butter cookies. I need to get to the library when it opens today too, so as usual, my life is not very exciting,... but IS very relaxing

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stuffed manicotti and halloween cake at Shelley's

Garret actually requested that I take his picture, after he has fought me for years about the camera....evidently he had a new pose he wanted to try out....he's so funny.
We were all in the kitchen working together for make the manicotti, salad, and garlic bread..here is Shelley making the filling for the manicotti.
Lucas can really get a move on now...look at him go!
Garret thought he was helping by putting this little bit of cheese in the measuring cup.
Christine showing mom how to get more things for her Facebook zoo.
Everyone was getting into the act.
Lucas having lunch
Garret's hair was standing on end, so Shelley got the water bottle, spritzed him and he ran away before she could comb his hair....too funny.

Great grandma feeding Lucas.

Lucas in his favorite spot, under the end table by the bay window..

Monday, January 25, 2010

Halloween cake in January? Well, yes!

The wind is blowing like a banshi out there, and cold!!! So, I tried my hand at some cake decorating today using marshmallow fondant...yeah, I know it's a halloween cake, but that was the only cookie cutters I had to cut the fondant into shapes...how fun!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Morning

We took a thermos of coffee and went to Forbes State Park (which is only 5 miles) and sat at a picnic table that was on the bridge that crosses the lake and drank our coffee. It was warm today, in the 50's. We hiked some trails and actually saw some bluebirds. It gave us some hopes for Spring. The beavers had chewed off the decorative trees that were on the main dock and drug them away..lol...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Three Days of the Hot Water Heater......

We finally got the hot water heater put in and my job " Person who holds the flashlight" has come to an end. Like an old pioneer woman, I have been totin' water in the house for three days, now I can just turn on the taps, I feel like the Queen of Sheba

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Birthday, part 2

So when we got home, I check on Facebook and over 50 people wished me Happy Birthday! How wonderful and all three kids called me, and mom sang Happy Birthday to me in my voicemail...how fantastic, I was so happy that so many people thought of me. So, after our adventures, I came home and made this Orange Marmalade Cake.....it was yummy!

My Birthday

This is the side door where most of the factory workers would enter to go to work everyday.
The overgrown weeds make the building look even sadder.
This is the view from the inside door or the shipping waiting room where truckers would wait for paperwork for their loads of magazines. The door you see in this picture faces the front of the building on the south end.
Beam me up, Scotty.
The shipping waiting room.
This is the shipping office, picture taken through the window (above), the room that can be seen thru the door was what once was my office, right in that very corner.

The steps leading to the upstairs offices.
This is the view of the shipping rack area and the bindery.

Bill and I went into the old World Color building, even though we weren't supposed to be in there. I took some pictures of the shipping office and the area where the shipping racks and bindery used to be. It was very dark, and the ceiling has huge holes in it. We were talking about the great years we had there, the parties, the people. It's sad to think that it is all over. We sneaked in the back shipping door. After we left the World Color building we drove to Centralia and had a little lunch and spent the afternoon looking at recreational cabins, which we had no intention of buying, but enjoyed checking them out..

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Family birthday celebration for me, Dona and Aunt Nancy

We all met at the new and improved Kentucky Fried chicken in Salem for our yearly celebration of the three Halterman ladies who all have their birthdays in the same week: Me, Dona and Aunt Nancy.
Dona and mom
Me and Bill
Xon and Dona
Uncle Lester sure loves his hat.
So did Bill
Dona opening her presents.
Lots of laughs and fun with the family...oh, and the food was good too.