
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Some old family pix of me and my bros..and others

Woodpeckers and gourd

Planted some hazelnut trees today. Took a walk, visited with our cousin, Tom and put my gourds in the greenhouse to finish drying. I made one lonely birdhouse from a small gourd. A woodpecker is making a nesting hole in one of our trees, we have been watching him today. Bill went to an auction with his mom, so I am relaxing and have a book to finish...I hope you are all having a great day!

New portraits of the Decatur grand kids

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Family day

Had a great visit with Sis-in-law, Debbie, Brad, Melissa, and Mother-in-law, Dona and Xon today. Bill built a fire in the fire pit and we had hot dogs outside. It's kind of cool and damp, but we are anxious for Spring. Watching a little tv now...hope you all had a great day!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hello, my friends, first of all I appreciate so much the huge outpouring of love for my mom in your many comments and emails. It means so much. So the report is that there were still some unusual cells in her kidney which the doctor removed and sent to the lab for analysis.
He is supposed to call her soon with the results, but as of right now he is not removing her kidney and want to wait for 3 months to see her again and discuss thins at that time. So, for right now, things are good and she is home resting w...ith no internet..!! She is having a repair lady come in the next few days and I found my ethernet cord, so she at least can maybe use her laptop when I get it to her.
Thanks again, my friends.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Prayers please

Please keep my mom in your prayers tomorrow, my facebook friends. She is having some exploratory surgery and the doctor will decide whether to remove her kidney or not. Please pray that there are no tumors and that he decides not to remove her kidney. We would all appreciate it so much. We will be going to Barnes Hospital early in the morning...so will be heading to bed soon. Thanks so much, my friends.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A fun Sunday with Bill

We spent the day at Mattoon at an antique auction, it was a long day, but very interesting and profitable for us. We took a table of antiques there earlier in the week. It was fun to see all of our stuff sell for great prices. Stopped at the Stadium Grill for supper and now we are home watching The Simpsons...hope everyone had a fantastic day!

Is it Spring yet?

I can't believe it's sleeting!!! GO AWAY, OLD MAN WINTER!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

While there was a terrible earthquake in Japan...

Took a walk, made an angel food cake, visited mother in law, brother in law, Steve and sis in law, Jeannie. Made a birdhouse from one of my gourds from last year,all in all had a good day. My heart goes out to those poor people of Japan. Let's all keep them in our prayers.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Remembering Ruth, our Red Hat sister

Ruth left all of her hats to us, so we each chose a hat and posed for this picture, R.I.P. Ruth, we will miss you.......thanks for sharing your beautiful hats.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Watching "GLEE" and wishing I had this cupcake!!! It's so pretty!
Had a nice day with my bro, Milo, Barb and mom. We ate cake and had some good laughs. Love you guys! The dogs were very entertaining! A nice rainy evening here, gonna finish my book. Everyone have a wonderful evening.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Burlesque movie

Just finished watching "Burlesque", with Christina Aguilara and Cher, it was really good, don't think it did well a the box office tho, as it is already on DVD....I really enjoyed it, that Christina can really sing!

Dessert tonight: Bailey's Irish Creme Cake...yum....I made some Bailey's choc. sauce to pour over it too!

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Sorry, Charlie

Ok, I think it very sad what happening to Charlie Sheen, he's coming completely unraveled and I don't mean to make light of the situation, but I couldn't resist posting this parody by Jimmy Fallon from his show last night...