
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

George Melies, you were a genius

Good morning all! I was just reading about Georges Méliès on who's life story the movie "Hugo" was based. The Hugo character in the movie is fictitious , but Méliès was a real person and was one of the first people to invent moving pictures with special effects back in the 1800's, fascinating! If you have ever seen the silent movie 'A Trip to the Moon', that was one of his hundreds of films.Many were destroyed during WW1, they were melted down to make shoe heels, how sad! If you are bored and have nothing else to do, you can go read here 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Copperhead bread

Hello friends, it's another beautiful day here in Illinois. I made some tomato basil soup, yogurt, and copperhead bread. I'm going out for a walk but wanted to say hello to all of you. Have a great day!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Made some blackberry jam today. My mother in law had some berries in her freezer that she didn't want. Also made a half gallon of greek style yogurt. I had some blackberries left over so made blackberry slump. I thought about you Mona McGuire Decker when I was making this today. The recipe said to serve with cream to take the tartness out of the berries. Remember when you came to visit me last summer, you said your grandma (?) always used cream on her cobbler, so I guess that's why. BTW it was yummy! Looks like some bad weather is coming our way the last few days, so I hope you all enjoyed your Sunday.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Herb and garden show at Mt. Vernon, IL Times Square Mall

 went to the Herb and Garden show at Mt. Vernon today. It was really a nice show, lots of things having to do with gardening. There were also free classes. I went to one on how to use herbs for healing, very interesting! Had lunch at Fazoli's, stopped by mom's on the way home I had something for her that I found at the garden show and now relaxing here at home. I hope you all enjoyed your day too.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Foggy morning in February

Good morning all! Very, very foggy this morning. I took this picture at 9 a.m. while I was walking the dog. STILL the traffic on the road was zipping along like it was a bright sunny day...people...they be crazy! Anyway, it's gone now, the sun burned it off pretty quickly and it's another gorgeous day! Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!