
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Nick's Pizza ...a blast from the past

To all of you who grew up in Salem, IL in the 60's....do you remember the one and only place you could get a pizza back then??? Yes, that's right, Nick's Pizza on Shelby St. It was a tiny building that made huge pizzas, and boy were they good. You had to order at the window then come back in about 20 minutes or so....thanks to my friend William Milam, here is a picture from way back when...thanks Bill, brings back lots of memories...


Anonymous said...

Was walking down memory lane to revisit this tiny pizza shack from my childhood! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

Anonymous said...

U der 2$ for the largest pizza he had he also made all his own ingredients he kept all his pepperoni and sausage and different meats he made for the pizza in his basement hanging up yes they were the most delicious pizza in the world sadly nick is gone now