
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Persimmon cookies, yum!

It's my favorite day of the week, spending the day with mom, watching movies, a salad from Wendy's and a frosty! Then zumba. I'm having some coffee with my persimmon cookies, thought I would share...take one and pass them around...
Have a great day everyone! 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mr. and Mrs. Skeletor

I like this picture, really cool face painting and interesting costumes.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Surprise entertainment at Zumba

It was 107 today, so I thought, why not go to zumber.....again! Surprisingly there was a nice group there. Something hilarious happened, but what happens in zumba, stays in zumber...so I can't say, just know we had a good laugh at the expense of our dear good-natured friend (You know who you are). Mom and I watched a current re-make of "Treasure Island" today, starring Eddie Izzard. It followed the book very closely (from what I remember and we enjoyed it a lot. We also attempted to watch "The Rum Diaries", with Johnny Depp....sucked big time...so that's all I got friends, have a great night!
Ok, I really can't keep this to myself!  An older gentleman in our zumba class was really getting into one of the routines and his FALSE TEETH flew out of his mouth and skittered across the floor right in the middle of all of us, and right in front of me..OMG!!  Rob, (the instructor and good friends with the guy) absolutely burst out laughing and forgot what he was doing!  The guy who lost his teeth, just ran over, picked them up, stuck them back in his mouth, and continued with the workout without missing a beat.  The rest of us could not stop laughing, although I felt kind of bad for him, because he is very nice and has a great sense of humor.  We made it through class and I waited until I got in the car to laugh my ass off...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Red Neck Americana

Yep, that's how we do things in Illinois!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Omega Ice Cream Social

 Caption for photo below:   Yep, that's how we do things in Illinois!
We went to the Omega Ice Cream Social tonight.  We have had a couple of "cooler" days and last night was perfect to be outside.  There was a large crowd, as always, band was playing old timey country songs, while some of the audience member went on stage and took turns singing.  The kids had nothing to play on but one small merry-go-round, so the ALL got on it at one time, see photo above.  I ran into some friends I hadn't seen in a while and enjoyed the company of my husband and mother and father in law. Pretty soon the food pavilion was full of people dancing.   As I was sitting there in the middle of a corn field eating homemade pineapple ice cream, I realized how much I appreciate my little slice of Americana. I truly wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Aliens are here!

Wow, it's so hot outside today, BUT I went to one of the local day cares and painted face this morning.  I had some new things to try and needed some "victims".  Then Bill and I went to re-sale shops just for the heck of it.  Then stopped at Gary's Drive-in for a cheeseburger and some visiting with some people that were there.  Other than that....staying in the coolness.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Thunder Moon Festival

Kinmundy had it's 1st Thunder Moon Festival today.  I painted faces, Bill sold lemonade.  It was an awesomely fun event, with the main focus on the outhouse races down the middle of  Rt. 37.  Here are some photos and some videos of the day!


                                            Dunking booth

                                       Best Pork burgers in the county.
                                        Wild Bill was very busy keeping the crowd in shake-ups
                                          Kiss a pig contest.

                                        A pie in the face thrown by the guy who had to kiss the pig.

                                         The outhouse races begin

                                         Volley ball tournament

                                        Wild Bill has been at it non-stop for at least 4 hours, guess
                                        I should go help him instead of standing here taking pictures.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ode to Captain Pumpkinhead

As the sun slowing sinks into the west, my scarecrow is always on the job..lol...even though the strawberries are dead, and the tomatoes look like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree...thank you Captain Pumpkinhead for always being there.........You guessed it...nothing interesting happened today.... :-)

Monday, July 09, 2012

Pies...peach pie...and hand pies...

Happy Monday everyone! I can't believe it is only 90 degrees today, after the 108.3 on Saturday. It's a beautiful day! However, I have all of these peaches that were given to me at the class reunion, so today I made a peach pie and some peach "hand" pies for freezing. Other than that, just relaxing and enjoying the day. I think we will have an early supper tonight, some steak, potatoes and slice garden tomatoes, and of course, peach pie..