
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My crazy life with BIll..

Sure enough, those wicked storms came around last night, sheets of rain, thunder, lightning, wind...so, the power went out. We lit our kerosene lamps and chatted for a while...pretty soon, this was the conversation:
Me: Too bad you don't have a harmonica, you could entertain me.
Bill: Well, it would probably take me 6 months just learn one song.
Me: I sure don't want to be listening to endles
s versions of "Swanee River"

At, which time Bill began singing, "Swanee River"
Bill: Why do I always sound like Bugs Bunny when I sing? (Which, sadly, he does)
Me: (Laughing too hard to answer)
Me: Let's have some marshamellows.
Bill: Sure

So we ate marshmellows and then the power came back on and we went to bed..
That's my "storm story"...not very exciting, but let's you know what silliness goes on around here all of the time...

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