
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A foggy September morning

It was a beautiful morning. the fog was drifting over the corn, so I ran outside in my jammies to take some pictures, yes, I do this often, I live in the country, sort of. Then sat in my swing and had this delicious kale,apple, banana, pear smoothie for breakfast in the morning sun. I love chia seeds, so that's what on top of the glass. I have been busy since then, juicing apples, and making apple salad. Now, to do some crafting and then I am going to settle down with Stephen King, and read Dr. Sleep.....Hope

you all enjoy your day!

Happy Birthday to my bros

I would like to wish my twin brothers, Kent and Kim McKelvey a Happy Happy Birthday today, hope your day is the best, love you guys!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ingram's Log cabin Village

The Pioneer Village is having their yearly event, so we are having our yearly garage sale as well, had a GREAT day yesterday, lots of customers. It's a good thing we had more stuff here at home to put in our sale. So, have a great day everyone and stop by and say howdy if you are on your way to Ingram's Pioneer Log Cabin Village.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Preston and his sweet family have been at Disney World this week, looks like have had a fantastic time. Here's a couple of pictures I stole, but ALL of them were priceless...my son is the one making the crazy faces....lol.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Talk like a Pirate day, 2014

This scallywag tried to kidnap me, I put us SUCH a fight....not!

Before we were pirates, we hung out with the laundry ladies.
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Good day, me buckos, this be Talk Like a Pirate day once again. Here be me and Bill back in our pirate days, we were a mischievous pair! Have you some fun and remember t' talk like a pirate!" Arrrrrrr

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Crazy bat and crazy cat paper mache pumpkin craft

Went for something a little more fun this time, crazy bat and crazy cat!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

U of I Extension Fall Festival

The U of I Home Extension Fall Festival, was really awesome. It was well planned and organized and everything went off without a hitch. There was a nice crowd, the weather was beautiful, and as usual, I was the last one to leave, still painting little faces. I came home and Bill had a fire going in the fire pit. It was really cool today, was down to 43 last night, so the fire felt good. Of course, I had to roast some marshmallows! Then we went for an evening bike ride and stopped to visit Bill's mom, and Bill's brother. All in all, a great day! Hope yours was too!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Red Hatters Sept.

I had lunch with my Red Hat sisters today. Kathy Albert really taxed our brains asking trivia questions, they were good ones and on all different subjects too. I forgot my camera, so no pictures this time, too bad too, the tables looked so pretty, as always. Thanks for joining us, Gayle Erxleben, it's always nice to see you. Afterwards, I stopped by Country Creek Treasures and a lady was just walking out the door with my vintage pumpkins!! Guess I'd better get busy making some more! I hope you all are enjoying your day!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


We had a wonderful time at Shelley's today. Since the boys were in school, just us ladies went out for lunch. We went to Ruby Tuesday's and sat there and talked and laughed for a couple of hours, just like old times. We stopped by Starbucks and got a pumpkin latte, oh wow, so good! After some catching up with the boys, we all play HEADBANDS...have you played this game? HILARIOUS! Then we looked outside and it was brewing up a dandy storm. We left right away, and drove home in the storm from hell!

Monday, September 08, 2014

Final super moon of 2014

The moon was so bright, I just used my regular camera with the built in zoom lens.  Amazing what you can pick up of there is enough light, it's just magical to see it so close to the earth and lit so brightly.

Monday, September 01, 2014

Kinmundy Labor Day Festival

Bill and friends "stole" this lion one night when they were in high school and relocated him to the Alma post office.  After that, they bolted down the lion to the side walk, where he still stands today.

Waiting for the parade to start.

Our friend, Jake, on his mule.