
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

What a beautiful day! We went to Flora and it was 67 degrees there, around 1:30. We had lunch at Julian's and went to one of the resale shops. I found some junk I couldn't live without... . Then we drove back to Salem and picked up mom and went to the DQ. Really enjoyed the day so much, out with my honey and our moms...I got a smartphone, so now we will see just how smart I am..hee....hope you all had a great day!

Friday, January 29, 2016

January lunch with the girls of '67

I had lunch with the lovely ladies (and one gentleman) of the class of '67 today. I'm so glad we do this monthly lunch now, wonderful to see everyone. Great food, great company. These little dogs were next door in the photography studio. Cute! The ladies all send their thanks to Hope Adams- Yingst for sending products for them to enjoy. They all really appreciated your kind gesture. There was lots of conversation about your store today. smile emoticon I hope you all have a good evening.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Golden January sunset

A gorgeous day, warm and sunny. The end of the day brought us this breath-taking glow from the setting sun, and a solid cloud bank made for an interesting last few minutes before the sun dropped out of sight.

Plantains ????

Do any of you prepare/eat plantains? Today was the first time I have eaten one...I fried and then used salt and lime on half, and then on the rest honey and cinnamon. I can't say I'm a fan. Also, I wasn't eating it with anything else, seems like would be could with something savory like dirty rice or something. I did prefer the salt and lime, but made me want a margarita. wink emoticon Any suggestions on the best way to fix


Saturday, January 23, 2016

First snowy sunset in 2016

We finally got out of the house today and took a long walk in the snow. It was 35 degrees, no wind and sunny, just beautiful.  We saw a big red fox run across our back yard, he was in a hurry.  We saw lots of deer tracks on our walk, also rabbits, dogs, cats and birdy track too.  We stopped to talk to the black angus cows along our path, but they ran away from us... :)   We had deer burgers, roasted vegetables and cherry crunch for supper.  It was starting to get dark and there was such a beautiful sunset out the back door.  Susan's horse was just staring at me, it stood there for the longest time, beautiful in the glow of the setting sun.  Have coffee now, an evening of "ELEMENTARY" in store for us...

Friday, January 22, 2016

Face in hole website fun and games

Just playing with the face in hole website again.  Too cold, snow and WINDY out there today to do anything else...

Monday, January 18, 2016

Lunch with Darren and Mindy

Bill, mom and I met my son, Darren Holsapple and daughter-in-law, Mindy Meyer Holsapple, for lunch today. What a great visit we all had, they are so fun, those two! He brought my computer, thanks so much son, appreciate it so much! We drove down by the still flooded Carlyle lake, there were hundreds of gulls by the spillway, swirling around looking for fish. Most of the lake was frozen many feet above it's normal depth. The boats had been moved from the marina to higher ground, as well as the picnic tables and other things were sand-bagged still...pretty amazing to see. I hope you are all having a good day!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Happy Birthday to me!

I am just so honored by all of your many, many birthday wishes, posts and emails. You are all just the best!. I am so grateful for each and every one of you! We just lounged around here today. It was in the low teens most of the day, a good day for some movies and I worked on these little owls, using up some fabric scraps I have around here. I call them my junkyard owls, since nothing matches and they are stuffed with shredded plastic bags.  Also, I heard from mom, all of my children, my brothers and sisters-in-law. so I was a great day!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Farting waffle iron

I am listening to beautiful, ambient healing music, and Bill is listening to the sound of a farting waffle iron on youtube...a bunch of deep thinkers here in Kinmundy.. If you have 47 seconds you can spare...here is the waffle iron...Me, I've turned off my relaxing music...can't concentrate on bettering my mind with a farting waffle iron in the room.