
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

1964...a blast from the past...

Here's another blast from the past....SCHS high school band members...remember our trip to the 1964-65 New York :World's Fair? I don't know why it was a big deal that we were talking long distance, but apparently it was..fun times...I only remember a few things, but it has been 50 years, so I guess that's not too bad, I remember the Unisphere, which is still standing in New York today, Michael Angelo's PIETA that was loaned to the fair from the Vatican, RCA had color tv's where you could see yourself and your friends on tv in color, obviously they had the camera on us, but still it was cool, and yes, the first picture phone. I remember that one vividly. You could talk on it to other people in other states and could see them as well, but of course, it was all connected for the fair. The exhibition I remember the most was Disney's Small World mechanical presentation of the people of different countries...the song "It's a small world", played the entire time only in different languages and with music from that country...so annoying.....I remember it drove us all crazy..lol....Good times though, especially with lots of your friends, as the entire high school concert band was there.

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