
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Victorial ornaments

I made these little ornaments out of some old tart tins I have had for years, not sure what I am going to do with them, since I just used stuff I had around here to make them .I just made them kind of neutral so they can hang on the wall all year... Anyway, they were fun to do..I hope you are all having a great day and are starting to get your Christmas shopping done.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Heart shaped biscuits...

I couldn't find my biscuit cutter and all I could find was this heart shaped one...so we had heart shaped biscuits for supper....lol

Monday, November 27, 2017

Last camp of the season....or iS IT?

What a perfect camp out last night...so beautiful! We went to Hazlet state park in Carlyle, Il, as it is open all year.. We did do some hiking, but mostly we sat by the fire and watched the sun move across the sky, then set, then rise...we were so relaxed that we had to take a nap when we got home this afternoon...that relaxing will wear you out..lol...anyway, it was one last camp until Spring and it was wonderful. I hope you all enjoyed your Monday.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

The annual Halterman Thanksgiving..

The Halterman Thanksgiving was today, was wonderful to see the family again. It is such a joy to be a part of these caring, loving people that are also so very fun as well... Sadly, my sister in law, Glenna Halterman (Jeannie) was in the hospital for observation, and we missed her very much. Please keep her in your prayers, fb friends,so that they may find out what is causing her problems, it is much appreciated. I hope you all got out and enjoyed this gorgeous warm day. Here is a photo from today...just two old people on Thanksgiving day.  I am thankful for this wonderful man every day.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Annual Thanksgiving with the Schwartz's..

Every year we are invited to the Phillip's family Thanksgiving at the home of Mike and Carol Schwartz. Yes,, they have adopted us into their family.. It's always a great time, with lots of family, friends, food, wine and laughter!  Here are a few random pix I took with my phone, everybody is always moving...so they are blurred.  No matter, a good time was had by all...there was probably enough food there for 10 times this many people, we made a pretty good dent in it though..

Saturday, November 18, 2017

And the total is:....

402 turkey dinners served today, including those who were delivered! 

What a trip!

Today was our free turkey dinner, sponsored by the Salem Odd Fellows, and our sweet little craft store, Country Creek Treasures.  It went great..so here's my story of the day, since I volunteered to deliver dinners to those who could not get out....

What a day! Me and two friends delivered turkey dinners...in a tornado...ok, it really wasn't a tornado, but pouring rain, high winds (45mph gusts)...what a trip! We looked like drowned, windblown rats by the time we got back to the Odd Fellows Lodge..The people really appreciated thier food though, got some hugs. It was 70 degrees this morning, the storm came and the temp. started dropping, it's 36 degrees and now it's snowing...! Illinois...it be crazy!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Cat head biscuits

Have you ever heard of cat head biscuits? Neither did I, until today...so....I made some...they were really good...the top of the biscuits are round like a cat head...so that's what the recipe says...either way they were tasty..

Thursday, November 16, 2017

To be or not to be..

I took an old Styrofoam wig stand and decoupaged torn book pages on it and added some adornments. I made this to take to Country Creek Treasures to display my hats, does it look better with the wig or is the hat more visible without it...opinions please. Per my facebook friends..most voted without and I agree!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

What's for dinner?

What's for dinner? Fish Bill caught last Spring, homemade sauerkraut and roasted vegetables...I think I am on the couch for the evening...I am so full! Did a little crafting today and just relaxed...I'm pretty good at that these days...Hope you all have had a good one!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

All of the birds are having a morning meeting on the bird feeder, think maybe they are organizing a rebelllion because it's empty.. :). Guess I had better get out there and fill it before there is a revolt..

Saturday, November 11, 2017


This morning these jellies were frozen grapes! We picked them late in the summer, when it was too hot to make jelly and put them in the freezer. So, yes, I had to thaw, extract the juice, then make the jelly today... Look at them now, ready for a nice hot biscuit on a cold winter morning.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Lunch with the girls...

Had a nice leisurely lunch with friends at Applebee's in Salem today and received an unexpected gift from my Red Hat sisters. Thank you, ladies! After lunch, I went to Country Creek Treasures to take some items up there and this Christmas tree, decorated with my scarves and hats was by my booth, thank you team members, it is perfect..I hope you all have had a great day!

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Happy Birthday, Shelley!

Happy  47th birthday to my awesome daughter, Shelley Yandell today. We love you so much and are so proud of you! Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Lucas goes retro

Lucas is too cool for school on 50's day.

Molly and her owl

I sent Molly one of my owls, she's really into them this year, she loved it...Preston sent me this photo right after she opened it...

Monday, November 06, 2017

Fall is here..

A few photos from across the road on this chilly fall day...spent the day with a good book and several cups of this delicious tea. It was a nice relaxing day, love this time of year..Had a nice chat on the phone with my brother, Kent and my son Darren...really brightened my day to hear from them..