
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Lunch with my buds today

I had lunch with the ladies of '67 today. We had such a great time and a nice long visit....thanks for the laughs ladies! I hope you all have had an awesome day!

A little bread humor for you all today!

Sunday, June 23, 2019

A fun day with Teresa

Had such a fun day with my "old" friend Teresa Dalton. We went to a class my daughter-in-law was giving at her shop, Sincerely, the Craft in Belleville. It was fun and interesting learning about fairy lore, making herb packets for the bath and treats for the fairies to set outside in the garden. First we had lunch at a place called Seven...that's it, just Seven...delicious food. After the class we went to see my son, Darren, who was working today at The Ink Well.. Good to see him and give him a hug. Stopped at Starbucks for a chilled caramel coffee, but they made us a hot one instead, it was still good though. All in all just a great day catching up with Teresa and seeing my family...I hope you all had a great day too!

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

I got back from my walk just in time, it's pouring rain now...Bill, however, just walked up to the post office and to see his buddies as the garage... Somebody's going to get rained on..

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Beautiful sky tonight

Took a walk this evening, such a beautiful sky..really enjoyed a lot of quality time in my hammock today, doing some reading and listening to music...life is good..

Sunday, June 16, 2019

ROCKETMAN...burning out his fuse up here alone................

We went to see the Elton John movie ROCKETMAN today.  I didn't realize it was a musical/fantasy/biography, but really loved it!  Elton John had a really sad childhood and in fact, a large part of his life was unhappy. He's finally happy in the end, and that's all that counts.  The film is loaded with all of his music, the singing is done by the actor playing him, he does a really good job too, not Elton, but convincing enough..it's a really different and refreshing way to tell a story of someone's life...

Saturday, June 15, 2019

A nice summer evening

We had supper outside tonight with a nice fire in the firepit. Guess we will sit out here until dark...a great way to spend the evening. Now we're just a swangin'.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Red Hatters June Lunch

I had lunch with my Red Hat sisters today at the China King Buffet...yum, was it good! We had a small group today, but still a good time...hope you all enjoyed your Friday!

Sunday, June 09, 2019

Annual World Color Press Reunion

Sure enjoyed seeing all of these lovely people last night, here's just a few pictures. It's kind of an open house thing, so I am sure others were there before we arrived and others came later...I love that we do this every year...there was a memorial for those who have passed on, which was very nice. There was lots of laughs, hugs and great food too. Until next time.....

Sunday, June 02, 2019

Shelleys next assignment.....

Most of you know my daughter, Shelley, is a traveling nurse. She has been lucky enough to spend a year working in Denton, TX where she can be home with her family every night. She's required to work somewhere else for the next three months, so she is going to MD for her next contract. Luckily, one of her fellow nurses is going to work there too this time, so she doesn't have be alone like she was last year, when she spent 3 months working in Chicago. Anyway, here is a photo of her and some of her fellow nurses and friends at the going away party from last night! Poor Shelley has been sick for a week with the coughing, sneezing, watery eye, miserable virus/flu..but she wasn't going to miss the fun...!'m Glad she has a good support group with her family and friends. Have a great day, every one!

Summer days are the best...so is retirement

Just took my walk. Now spending the rest of the morning sitting in my swing reading. Bill is working on some things in the barn...its a gorgeous day to be outside...Gotta run Joe Hill's stories are awaiting me.

Saturday, June 01, 2019

Another beautiful sunset tonight! Now it's raining on us.

Summer cook-out at the Winter's house

We had a nice afternoon with Tevin and Melissa Winters and their sweet twin girls, Jasmine and Rose Mary, and the many other folks who joined us on the porch for delicious food and conversation! Really enjoyed it! Thanks Tevin for doing a great job on cooking all of the burgers, hot dogs and brats!