
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Country Creek Treasures Christmas Party

Just got home from Christmas with my Country Creek Treasures team mates...such a great time at the home of Beth Hays...we played the 12 days of Christmas gift exchange game....hilarious! Good food again, and such fun with these ladies who have become my very good friends. Tired and way too full of sugar right now, so think it's time for pajamas and a movie..have a great night all.

Christmas with the Halterman's

The Christmas festivities are over. Had a great time with the Halterman's today..Bill's mom was so happy because ALL of her children, grand children and great grand children were there...there was great food and lots of laughter, a great day with the family.

Cupcake Christmas tree

Christmas with the Haltermans today. I made yet another Christmas themed "cake". That Wilton food coloring goes a long way....so I'm ready for "St. Patrick's day...! Time to enjoy more family time. Everyone have a great day!

Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Day After, but it's not over yet!

Christmas hardly seemed like Christmas at all with temps. near 70 degrees with lots of sunshine..seemed like a day in early summer...nobody touched my hot chocolate bar.. Enjoyed the day with family though and lots of good eats.. Halterman's Christmas is tomorrow plus another evening Christmas party with friends....a few more days and it will be the new year..and THEN maybe things can get back to normal around here. Everyone have a great Thursday...it IS Thurday, isn't it? I'm not sure anymore.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Ugly Sweater Cake

I just finished my Ugly Sweater cake for tomorrow, is it ugly enough?

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Shortest day of the year

Been out with Bill all day shopping, snacking, listening to oldies and having a great time...almost home as the sun is setting on the shortest day of the year.

Happy Winter Solstice

Friday, December 20, 2019

Ladies of '67 annual Christmas Party

We had our ladies of '67 Christmas party today. We had a great time with wonderful food, a beautiful story was read to us by Cindy Dice then we all had Christmas tea! We forgot to take a group picture, like we do every Christmas, but here are a few pictures anyway...most of the time we were not sitting quietly, even though it looks like it in the pictures.. Thanks Carol Schwartz for having us to your home. Thanks also to Donna Crundwell for the gift of homemade greeting cards, they are beautiful. Everyone have a wonderful evening!

Thursday, December 19, 2019

German Chocolate cookes

Making German chocolates cookies today, soooooo good!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Winter sunset

We got 7" of snow yesterday and this beautiful winter sunset tonight!

Monday, December 16, 2019

Horses in the snow

Yes, it is snowing this much right now, could hardly see the horses next door when I went to get the mail.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

A walk in the snow

We just got back from a nice walk in the snow...exhilarating! We got about 3", I think it's mostly done now, but it's just beautiful. Some neighbors were outside and we stopped to chat for a little bit...Time now for some french vanilla coffee! I hope you all are having a great day!


It's snowing and the birds are feeding like crazy!

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Phillips family Annaul Dinner

We had a family dinner today at Xenia. Was great to see everyone. I wish I would have taken pictures of all of the delicious food, but we were all hungry, so that didn't happen..here's my cake, yes, I have been going overboard making these crazy bundt cakes.The inside looks like the outside. Anyway, it was a fun day. Thanks Tina Golden for all of your hard work making it happen.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Red Hat ladies Christmas Party.

Today was our annual Red Hat Christmas Party at Sharon's Cafe in Salem. We had a great time, and if you saw our live videos with the Kazoo Christmas Carol's, I'm sure they gave you a smile or two..we had to applaud for ourselves, because, we knew nobody else would. We played some games, and then played the Right, Left game with Christmas Gifts..It was a fun day with my Red Hat sisters. Thanks so much to Debi Champion, Roxanne Pennington and Susan Pickett for a lovely and fun party...the tables were so pretty, and thank you for the candy treats and gifts...I always look forward to it every year! You all did a great job! Thanks Joan, for our extra gift, very nice..hugs.