
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

 Good Times in Paducah, KY..

Happy Birthday to my Brothers!

Happy Birthday to my brothers, Kim and Kent McKelvey! Have a great day guys! Much love to you both!

Thursday, September 28, 2023

We've got a nice fire going this evening...


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Happy Sons Day

Happy son's day to my two handsome "boys" Darren Holsapple and Preston Phillips! Sending you both lots of mom love!


Monarch butterfly caterpillars

We have monarch caterpillars all over our milkweed that I planted specifically for them. This makes me happy, as they are endangered, so I hope they make it to adulthood! I found one chrysalis that has now turned clear, so any time now the adult will emerge. Exciting times in the Halterman household!


Monday, September 25, 2023

Happy Daughter's Day

Happy daughter's day to my beautiful girl, Shelley Yandell! Much love to you, sweetie! ( I didn't want to cut Cary out of the picture, because he is my favorite son-in-law).


Flowers from Bill

Aw, I got flowers from Bill, just because I'm awesome, right? I mean that has to be it! Tell me if I 'm wrong...no wait, don't! Just let me continue to delude myself!


Sunday, September 24, 2023

Halloween crafting

So there's a Halloween craft going around where you take an old print or painting and add ghosts to it for Halloween decor. So the only one I had was this Amish style print, but I think it worked just fine. Also All I did was spray the frame black and let some of it over spray onto the painting and then just painted the ghosts and I added the pumpkins too. I also went a little overkill on this love potion bottle, but it is just for me anyway and it was fun and a good way to recycle a maple syrup bottle that I had around here. So, that was most of my day! I had a nice long chat with my daughter first thing then turned on the Halloween music and away I went!



Saturday, September 23, 2023

Log Cabin Village 23

Had a good time with my old friend, Jan Murphy at the Kinmundy Log Cabin Village. Lots of vendors this year! It was very hot and humid though, but we powered through! I hope you are all enjoying your Saturday!


Friday, September 22, 2023

Steampunk frames

Had a great time at LA Cocina last night with the World Color Press Salem Gravure ladies! It's been over 20 years since we worked together but it was like no time had passed at all.....still talking about our bosses, our jobs and the good times too! On a different note, finished these two recycled mixed media steampunk frames today. I just added the photos, but they are regular frames. They will be at Country Creek Treasures soon, if anyone is interested.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Turkeys in the yard

I looked outside and these turkeys were heading toward my pumpkin patch.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Steampunk kitty

I'm using up some old picture frames. Made this steampunk kitty today and am working on a couple more. I didn't really "make" anything, I just put it all together. It was fun though and not too complicated.


Sunday, September 17, 2023

Roasted sweet potato soup

Roasted sweet potato black bean Chili....it's what's for supper!


Saturday, September 16, 2023

Sugar skull craft

The Pioneer Village festival/craft fair was in full swing today.(Didn't go today though). Kinmundy food pantry had their own little craft booth downtown, and I found this Day of the Dead skull there, had to have it! Isn't it a hoot?!


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Steampunk jewelry

Did a little crafting recently! By request I made some steampunk jewelry and a trinket box. Also put together this fun fall garland. I always say I am done with crafting and then it always pulls me back in! 

Monday, September 11, 2023

Apple swirl bread

Finally finished up the apples! Made 2 loaves of Cinnamon swirl apple bread. I'm either going to freeze them or buy new clothes!


Never forget


Saturday, September 09, 2023

World Color Press Reunion

We had a great time this evening with some of our co-workers and friends from our World Color Press days. Our plant has been closed since 2000, so we are all much older, but we still know how to have a good time.