
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Happy Sunday

If you look closely at this picture, you can see a giraffe...

Ok, just squint and stare at it, no, forget that,

Look away for 2 seconds and then look back,

Hey, I'm just messing with ya.....:-)

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Saturday, May 28, 2005

My how time flies......flys.......fleyes...

Speaking of flies.............yikes.........they're back!

Last night mom, Kent, Bill and I went out to Applebee's for dinner. It was great to see Kent again. We had a nice visit. Kent and Bill discussed the stock market, mom and I ate chocolate cake. It was fun.

I feel like I just don't have time for anything anymore, just working away until fall. I guess I shouldn't complain, at least I'm doing what I love to do, selling ice cream in a small town. I only work 6 months out of the year, so how bad is that? With Bill running the weenie wagon by himself at different destinations, things are working out just fine, money-wise.

Bill took the trailer to Altamont to the flea market there today. Kind of a small crowd, what with it being Memorial day weekend and all. Anyway, I had most of the day off and just relaxed. However, I waited for the Pepsi delivery guy for 3 hours today.. he never came. He had better show up Tuesday or I will have to KILL somebody.....:-)..!!!

Here is Bill when he was at the ice cream shoppe a few weeks ago....he's smiling because it is about over...lol.

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I'm just waiting for fall........a trip to Sanibel Island sound great right now!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Doin' the birdwalk..

For the last several weeks we have been watching a robin's nest which was strangely built about 4 feet from the ground in a crook of a tree. There were 4 blue eggs and soon they began hatching. We watched them alot on that day. The next morning one of them had falled out of the tree and was dead. The remaining three have grown by leaps and bounds. Here is a picture I took yesterday. Soon, they WILL be doing the bird walk and then they will fly away leaving an empty nest. Nature is truly a beautiful and complex thing.

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Good Bye and thanks for all the Fish

Ok, I am trying to catch up here. First of all...DO NOT spend your hard earned cash on "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".....I should have known it would suck when it started with musical dolphins singing......."Good Bye and thanks for all the fish, too bad it had to come to this"...refering to the fact that the earth was within moments of being destroyed so that a super galactic highway could be built by some gross looking aliens. Ok, I read the book back in the 70's and found it comical, clever and whimsical. In reality, it was like watching Monty Python gone bad.

Now for real life. It was mushroom hunting time the end of April and first part of May. Bill found huge ones in a woods by the interstate. So here he is NOT smiling, showing his catch for the day.

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