
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Dear Bloggery....

Dear Bloggery,
I have neglected you to no end!....Here is the lastest!
It seems that I am going to be a grandma two times:
Preston and Amanda are expecting in April,
Shelley and Cary are expecting in March!!
Everything is going well for both of them.
Last Thursday Bessie Holsapple passed away at the age of 96. I went to the visitation with mom. Shelley and Darren were there too. It was nice to see them, even under these circumstances.
Bill had his 47th birthday on August 1st.
August 7th we had a Luau at the ice cream shoppe. It was fun, but was kind of a slow day for some reason. However, in the end it was very profitable. I got some great pix too!
In a nut shell, that is about it.
Here are a few pix from the Luau.
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And the most outrageous costume...for which he was awarded the "Bravery Award"....I present you with Tim!

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