
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, December 08, 2006

A week with Garret

Shelley and Cary went on a mini-vacation to visit Darren in St. Louis the week of Dec. 4th. I drove to Decatur to stay with Garret. The time went really fast and I had a great time with him. The pictures are from him opening his first Christmas present (from Grandma, me). He is such a cutie.......However, the same time period with the untrustworthy dog, the crazed cat that likes to slam himself against the wall all night and the psychotic parrot the plucks out his own feathers because he is upset, seemed like forever. The dog, Bandit, does not mind me at all and makes me nervous because he is part pitbull and very high strung. I locked him in the baby's room with food and water and a blanket and he whined for 6 hours and then started howling until the wee small hours. When I finally let him out, the baby's room was a mess and he had blue tape stuck to his butt. Spraying the cat with the water bottle seemed to work for a while and it was quite entertaining.....the parrot.....is just retarded.......... And, so this ends another episode of "The adventures at the zoo of crazed animals"...and one sweet baby boy.

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