
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

We met at Patricia Timm's home for our annual Christmas party for the girls of the class of 1967. For those of us who have stayed around the Salem area, it has become a tradition. There is nothing like re-uniting with old friends from high school. I really appreciate all of these ladies for being there for me during those taxing teen years. You are a great bunch, thanks for a great evening.

We had the most delicious meal. Patricia had made two kinds of salad, my fav. was spinach, onion, water chestnuts, chow mein noodles with a vinegarette dressing...she also had a 7-layer salad.
There were two kinds of soups: one was potatoe/broccoli cheese, it had some other vegies in it too...the other soup was kind of a hot chili soup with cream cheese melted in it and it was served over doritoes. Then there was the wieners wrapped in the biscuits, bbq'd weenies, and for dessert, cheese cake, chocolate cake baked in a crock pot, served with ice cream, and cakes with frosting shaped like Christmas wreaths....to drink she had white tea, iced tea, soda and coffee....Patricia gave us all a little Christmas decoration to take home. We were laughing so loud, it was a good thing she lives in the country.

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