
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A quick visit to Decatur

"I made it through Walmart and that's all I could take..."

I made a quick trip to Decatur to visit Shelley, Cary and Garret. We just relaxed and visited. I took some video of Garret, but since my camera is new, I need to convert it to a different file type and make it smaller so that I can post them here. He is such a ham.

I enjoyed seeing them all so much. Cary made some delicious lasagna and Shelley, Garret and I went to Walmart, where we bought things we didn't need. Garret fell asleep with his two new cars, one in each hand. It looks like he lost a shoe..

Shelley and I looked through paint chips and got online and she helped me decide on the colors I want to paint the front room....it's going to be very interesting....:-)

I came home the next afternoon in a terrible storm. I had to pull over three times because I couldn't see the road. Bill got home from working in Missouri about an hour after I did.

1 comment:

Kim Thomas said...

He is so adorable