
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Visit with Kent (and Kim and Sylvia via Webcam)

Kent came home for Labor Day weekend. He built mom a great new computer, bought her a flat screen monitor and bunches of other goodies. She was so happy and is learning to use all of the new equipment and programs. Kent, you did a great job on it, and she just loves it.
We all met a mom's and went to Applebee's for supper. I am wearing new ear rings from my friend, Jewels. They are real garnets and she made them, just beautiful! (Not me, the ear rings)
Barb and my brother, Milo, waiting for their steaks!

Kent putting on that goofy grin....lol.
A really great picture of my pretty mom.

After dinner we visited for a while at mom's house and we talked to brother Kim and Sylvia on the webcam. This will be a new experience for mom for sure, but it will be fun too for her to be able to see her family in California, and Kentucky.

Thanks Kent for the camera card and the 'Sheila Stick'. I appreciate them so much and I know they will come in handy for transfering stuff to my ipod and to my many computers....and for taking lots of pictures.

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