
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Regular people on Halloween day

Bill and I ran around doing errands today. We had breakfast at McDonalds, where "Pebbles" took our order, a "Dust Bunny" put our food on the tray, and a "Goth Fairy" made sure we had the hashed browns. All the while "Jason" was taking out the trash. Then we went to Walmart, where a "lady clown" checked us out at the register, after a "cowgirl" and a very old "cheerleader" helped us at the customer service desk. A "Mime" was bringing in the carts. Then we went to the coin shop in Effingham, where I bought some different types of tokens, one was from the subway in NY, but was very old, one was from Canada, One was a token with Jewish writing (Hebrew?)the others were American tokens for unknown things, but were interesting. We had an early dinner at TGI Fridays. I had grilled salmon w/pecan honey sauce, and rice pilaf, with broccoli on the side. It was yummy! I will have to try the salmon at home.... Then I went to the library and got a couple of books to read. We are skipping the trick or treating tonight, since Bill's mom will be gone and we don't get anyone here, since we are waaaay back from the road....:-(

Anyway, it was a beautiful warm day and we enjoyed it.

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