
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Baby Lucas is here!

Here is dad and baby Lucas, eye to eye. The day didn't go exactly as planned, but everything will be fine, I am sure. Shelley was on the table ready to have her c-section, when an emergency happened with another patient, and she got bumped from her surgery at 7:30 a.m. Finally Lucas was born at 8:58 a.m., 7 lbs. 2 oz., and 20 inches long. They gave Shelley an extra long working drug for the spinal block, she spent forever in recovery because she still couldn't move even after 7 hours. She begged to come to her room, finally, they gave in an brought her into the room where mom, me and Cary were waiting all day. In the meantime, Lucas's breathing became very erratic and we couldn't see him, except through the glass. When Shelley got to the room, she was of course, wanting to see her baby boy she had waited so long for, but couldn't get out of bed, due to still being numb from the waist down, and the baby couldn't be brought to her because of the breathing problem. It was very trying for her and she spent half of her time crying. Anyone who is a mother can understand the frustration and then the worry. An xray was taken and Lucas still had fluid in his lungs, due to the cesarean birth. This was causing the breathing problems, and is why he is in a little oxygen tent in the picture above with Cary. Finally, mom and I got to go see the little guy, after Cary came back to the hospital and brought Garret back to see mommy. We had to go into the nursery and see him. He is just a beautiful baby and I'm sure the breathing problem will resolve itself. I just talked to Shelley and they have reduced the oxygen down to the next level, and so things seem to be getting better. I'm so happy he is here finally and hope he can come home real soon, where I can spoil him rotten just like big brother, Garret. Speaking of Garret, while I was in the nursery with Cary seeing Lucas, mom was watching Garret outside the door. The nurses have him some stickers that said, "I'm the big brother". Mom stuck them on his shirt, but then he ripped them off and mom asked him what he was doing and he said "I put them in my pocket", so he wadded them up and stuck them in his pocket, how funny he is. Anyway, welcome to the world, baby Lucas, we can't wait to get to know you....Hugs from the grandmas and grandpas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your family Sheila!

Welcome wee Lucas - we've be waiting for you!