
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

There's a whole creepy world of sock monkeys out there...eeeek

What made me think about sock monkeys today? Well, actually it's been a few days ago, but it has been on my mind, so here goes.......I was driving home from mom's house Thursday, and right in front of the William Jennings Bryan statue in the middle of the road was a sock monkey, just laying there with his legs up in the air, and traffic flying by on both sides, because, luckily he was on the yellow line. (I think some little kid threw it out the window, because it was creeping them out). So, it got me to thinking...what a terrible toy for children. I mean don't you think they are scary with their beady eyes and blood red lips???? I realize they were a toy of necessity, made from household items back before Walmart, and Toys R US, but they are just creepy. So, I thought, I would just google "sock monkey" and see what happens, cause that's the joy of Googling, right? Come to find out there's a whole community of sock monkey people, both alive and stuffed...here's but a small sampling of "what's out there....."
Of course, the ever popular, Super Hero, sock monkeys...this one isn't too bad, but it's sewn out of regular fabric, so barely qualifies as an actual sock monkey, I see no socks.
The Wonder woman, sock monkey, ok, this one's kinda cute.
Doesn't this look like Morticia of the Adams family....creepy face there.
Even the real live Mr. T. is scary looking, a sock monkey, even worse.
Ah, yes, a Buccaneer sock monkey, the tail cracks me up though..
The "Night of the Living Dead" sock monkey, ok, very creative..
And, Ed Sullivan presents, the Ed Sullivan Dancers.......
Of course, there's always a bride everything, so why not?
The Elvis Sock Monkey, 'cause there's an Elvis everything too, he's still creepy. See the look on his face, looks like a Twilight Zone episode, where Elvis wakes up from a terrible dream that he had become a sock monkey and then HE DID.....

See, they TRY to make them look cute, but they are just unsettling and creepy, is it just me?
And here we have the horrendous sock monkey dress....it's just wrong on so many levels. Seriously, is there a secret Sock Monkey world in another dimension or something. I never knew it existed until today......so when those XFiles people were saying "The Truth is out there", I think I'd rather no know.

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