
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Foggy sunrise

Good morning, friends! It is a gorgeous day today, frosted last night though and cold, but the sun is shining and that's good enough for me...here's a couple of early morning photos. The fog was beautiful also.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Well, we sat here and looked at each other until 11:30 and decided to just go do something so as not to waste this beautiful day. So we hit a few junk shops in Flora and had lunch at Julians. There is a private pond near our house, that always has ducks, and/or geese there. I got a few good pix before they flew away. I didn't even get out of the car and they were taking off. Beautiful snow geese and Canadian geese and I think a few ducks, kind of hard to tell since they all have wings..lol...We are still not up to par, but enjoyed the day anyway

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A beautiful sunset to end the day.

Practicing on Lola

I did a little face painting practice on my little friend, Lola today. She was such a great model!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Zombies and Zumba

Hello friends! I had a great day with mom today, as always. We watched FROZEN and it was awesome, like everyone has said. Then we watched 2 more episodes of THE WALKING DEAD from season 1. Mom's hooked on the zombies..lol....then went to zumba, and my friend, Maddie Warren came, her very first zumba class, she loved it and I was so happy she came...I hope you all had a good day!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's day everyone! I had a great day, a long lunch with some of my very good friends, got tickets for the Gene Stiman tribute concert, and it was a beautiful day on top of everything else. The laundry is nearly done and homemade bread is baking...I hope you all had a great day too!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Happy Birthday Garret and Lucas!

We went to Decatur today for Garret's and Lucas's birthday party. Lots of fun, and great food (thanks, Shelley Yandell for fixing one of my favorite dishes Spaghetti casserole). Also, happy 14th birthday, to my other grand son, Austin, in North Carolina We love all of you so much.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Moon rise

Good evening friends, such a pretty day, very windy though. Had lunch with my Red Hat ladies, took mom to a doctor's appointment and then had ice cream. It was a beautiful evening also, got a photo of the moon just before it got dark, it's beginning to look and feel like Spring, I'm so happy!

Red Hat ladies St. Patrick's day luncheon

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Possum: 0, Bill, might possum warrior: 1

Bill had an altercation with a possum this morning, flinging him into the air with a stick, smacking him into submission by whacking him in the head with the same stick several times, finally the possum gave up and ran away, and Bill lives to fight again! Bill imitating the hissing possum was hilarious.. Sally was going crazy the whole time, and ME, I was oblivious, the dryer was on and I didn't hear a thing, just sitting here having my coffee.

Saturday, March 08, 2014

They Snow geese that could not be seen....

So we went to Carlyle today to see all of the white Canadian geese, and what did we see, only a flock of seagulls, and not the 80's rock group.. So we sere disappointed, but I finally got to eat at the Covered in Chocolate Desserts & Deli Oh, my what wonderful food and lots of it..Had to buy some chocolate cheese cake to bring home, so it was worth the trip. We made one more trip around the lake, and we finally found the geese, but alas, it is a misty, foggy, cloudy day, you could not even pick them up with a zoom lens, the lake is still frozen from the winter, which made for some interesting photos though..so believe me when I tell you that they were there on the far, far bank and not in the water at all, also they were not at the marina, like yesterday when the news people were there.There were thousands of them, boy were they loud, a beautiful sound though...had a wonderful day !