
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Kahlua Cake

I made this delicious Kahlua Cake for dessert Christmas day...but, be warned...this was so huge, that we just called it the Endless Chocolate fluff...it seriously took the largest plastic bowl I own. Everyone was cracking up and thought I had doubled the recipe...but nope.. I have had to freeze over half of it in individual servings....it was AWESOME though, very light and crunchy...so just in case you have come across this on Pinterest......like I said before....be warned. lol

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

We sure did have a great time these last few days with our families, celebrating, visiting and of course, eating. I snapped just a few pix yesterday, thanks to my daughter-in-law Mindy Meyer Holsapple, for my beautiful homemade soaps, body scrubs and bath bombs.We enjoyed Skyping with my brother Kim McKelvey and my sister-in-law, Sylvia Erickson McKelvey. Later we Skyped with Shelley Yandell. Skype is awesome!..From what I have seen on facebook, looks like most had a wonderful holiday. Glad the cold rain held off until today. Have a restful Saturday..'cause I don't know about you, but I sure am tired today.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Skyping with Shelley....and her new light sabers. :)

Went to mom's today, but instead of movies we Skyped with my daughter. What a great visit we had...I'm sure it was well over an hour...sure do miss them so much. She is such a geek though...the family went to see the new Star Wars movie and so she just had to get the light sabers used in the movie....lol...love my geeky girl.. Got to visit with the grandboys for a bit too....I hope you all had a great day!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Chocolate spoons

Making fudge, cookies, chocolate dipped marshmallows and some chocolate spoons for the hot chocolate bar we always have on Christmas day! They were a little tricky to make, but they are just for stirring and flavoring our hot chocolate and besides I found a new use for my deviled egg p

Saturday, December 19, 2015

An unexpected Christmas gift.. :)

Oh, my goodness, some friends stopped by for a visit and brought us a delicious smoked tenderloin, still warm, and wonderful homemade cinnamon bread. Thanks so much, Brad and Stephanie Mount Hawkey, so kind of you to bring us this wonderful Christmas treat. You guys are the best. Really enjoyed our visit too..half of the cinnamon bread is gone...and of course had to have some of that delicious tenderloin...yummy.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015

December Red Hat Luncheon and Bingo

I had lunch with my Red Hat sisters today. We had a great time playing MANY games of bingo and visiting...I hope you all had a good day too.

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Winter camping...

It has been unseasonably warm this week, so BIll and I went camping last night. Imagine camping the 9th of December...amazing, but so warm, only needed a sweatshirt, until around 9:00 or so...What a beautiful evening, so peaceful and quiet. Love sitting by the fire. The sunset was awesome, even through the trees! I hope you have all had a great day!

Found a great photo frame website, so had to play with it a bit..lol

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Shannondoah Christmas Tree Farm

We went to the Shannanodah Christmas Tree Farm this afternoon. It was quite a busy place, as you would expect. We visited with Gloria Swift and Tom Swift, who had bought our concession trailer from us several years ago and they were serving up corndogs and other treats.. It was nice to see them, and to see our old concession trailer again, we had tons of good times in there.. So I bought some things at the gift shop, and fed the animals, but didn't ride the train. Anyway, it was a fun afternoon watching families enjoying the Christmas season.