
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

gator clackers

We went for a long, long walk, well, the boys rode their scooters. It's just a beautiful day, total sunshine...I love it. We came back and made some gator clackers....something quick and simple to annoy the dogs...

I hope you are all having a good day!

Fish bowl lanterns

Today we made fish bowl lanterns. They were kind of difficult, using watered down elmers glue and tissue paper....but I think they did a pretty good job. They are outside now getting some exercise...think I will go join them...

Monday, March 30, 2015

I bought some glow-in-the-dark glasses, so we had some fun with them at the birthday party as well...lol...Shelley looks like a deer in the headlights in the first picture....then we had to torture the poor dog too....good times.

Chalk Universe and scootering to the park

It's such a beautiful warm day, so we decided to draw a chalk universe on the driveway..things went pretty well, but they lost interest by the time we got to Jupiter....we then scootered to the playground at the school...so we got some good exercise too...I'm having a great time..
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Spiral universe

We scootered to the park by the school

We saw some knees along the way by a creek.

Birthday cakes made by the grandboys...

The boys made their own birthday cakes, Lucas has to lick the beaters...

Adding the frosting..

They were having a good time.

Garret likes the sprinkles....a lot!

Lucas made a work of art with food coloring...

The finished cakes.

We had missed all of the birthdays because of snow, and other things, so we are having another party tonight when mom and dad get home....the boys mixed up the cake and I let them decorate them however they wanted...a little heavy on the food coloring and sprinkles....lol....but they had fun...

Monday, March 23, 2015

Shabby Chic Monday

It seems like there isn't enough hours in the day now that the time has changed. We were both so busy today. I did take some time to turn a boring gray train case into a shabby chic one. Other than that, I won't bore you with the details, except that I'm making bread and it smells wonderful in here....I hope you have all had a good Monday!

Happy 6th Birthday, Lucas!

Happy Birthday to this wonderful little guy who has brought me so much joy, and is so funny and awesome, and very smart...

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Old School desk

We had a good day at the Spring Fling yesterday, even had a pizza party! Today, I sanded, primed, and painted this old school desk. the top of it is a chalkboard, I will be taking it to Country Creek Treasures on Tuesday. Then I cleaned out my craft room, wow, what a job! We also worked on the yard, and spent the evening by the firepit....I hope you all had a great day!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday in black and white

Well, we were supposed to spend the day with Shelley, Cary and the grand boys, but Garret is sick, so our plans were cancelled. smile emoticon So we went to an auction at Newton, IL, then out to lunch and to the lake. It was such a pretty, warm day, too nice to stay inside .On the way home, we stopped at Forbes State Park and enjoyed the sound of the frogs singing and the birds chirping for a while. Home now, watching a little tv, waiting for the next episode of THE WALKING DEAD...I hope you all had a great day.