
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve. (or just another night at home)

What an exciting New Years eve! First we cleaned out our closets, then rearranged the kitchen cabinets. We went to Walmart to get fruit and veggies.. ( I was out of avocados)..next we stopped by DQ to have an ice cream cone...we clinked our cones together and wished each other a happy new year, because you know, we had to get home before dark, because we're old people, right? After supper we binge watched the second season of Wayward Pines. We DID get a bottle of wine and if we can stay up until midnight, we will have a glass! Excitement runs rampant around our house! Woo Hoo!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thursday night tv..

So I'm watching some old black and white episodes of "Thriller" again on youtube. Do you all remember Ernest T. Bass on the Andy Griffith show? The actor is on one of these episodes and he is playing a serious role, he's trying to murder his wife...and even though he is trying to be creepy and murderer-like, he still has that same goofy look on his face all of the time...it's hard to take him seriously...uh-oh, he just tripped his wife and she fell off a cliff...lol...sorry, that's not funny, is it? My life is so exciting I can hardly stand it...

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Life after Christmas

Well, it looks like the festivities are over for this year. We went out to a local watering hole and had a few beers with my brothers and Rick H.  Friday night.We had such a great time.  It's been a long time since we did that.. Christmas Eve with the Haltermans, Christmas day at our house, good times and sad times. It is the first Christmas without mom and my sister in law, Barb. I truly miss them so much. Mom always had her favorite spot where she sat every Christmas...it looked so empty without her..it was a small group this year, but we managed to have a good time with each other. Kent, Bruce, Darren and Mindy were at our house.  Thanks for the lovely gifts, tee shirts and cash. We Skyped with my brother, Kim and sister in law, Sylvia, good to have them join in the fun from the west coast. Kent, Bill and I ate lunch at Joe's pizza today and visited my uncle Bob at Salem Woods Manor. It was really good to see him....so life after Christmas starts now...hope you all had a great holiday season.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christmas is coming, goodies are done!

Made some "Grinch" fudge and sugar cookies today...hope you all had a great day!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Christmas goodies

I've been making a few Christmas treats today, marshmallow fudge, taco chex mix, and salted caramels...yummy...I didn't eat supper at all, had to taste-test everything (several times :) ), to make sure it all tasted good....I think I had better go taste those salted caramels one more time ;) . Hope you hav

e all had a great day!

Get it?

Christmas with the Phillips's

Preston's kids at the Fort Knox Christmas tree lighting...

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Molly gets her Christmas money!

Our grand daughter, Molly, got her Christmas gift from us yesterday! lol

Guy falling for 9 seconds while trying to shovel snow [Video]

Just got back from a 30 minute bike ride, I am drenched. It's just peppering rain, but the warm front has come and gone a lot sooner than the weatherman predicted. It's almost 32 again, and only going to get colder now! Sunday night will be 2 degrees, and that's not the wind chill, it's the actual temperature, so again, be careful out there...and DON'T LET THIS BE YOU...lol

Friday, December 16, 2016

Winter goodies for dinner tonight!

Vegetable beef soup bubbling on the stove, homemade corn bread, frozen peaches from last summer...yum! That's what's for dinner on this cold, and soon to be icy day..I think it will be a good weekend to stay at home...have a good one all!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Brrr...baby, it's cold outside!

It was 11 degrees this morning, so I waited until the "heat of the day" around 3:00 to take my bike ride, even though, it was still only 16 degrees. The Christian church, a few blocks from us, was playing Christmas music on the Carillon. Really made our little village feel like the holidays were here. Many homes all decorated here too...I love living in my quiet little town. Anyway, once I got started on my ride, it didn't really feel that cold at all...now back to the old tv show: Boris Karloff's THRILLER on Youtube...anyone remember this show? Have a good one, all!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Gingerbread camper

I made the camper gingerbread house today, not as happy with it, as I was with the house, but it was fun anyway...now I need to get some greenery to put around them..I hope you all had a good day!

It's snowing!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Gingerbread House 2016

If you want an easy way to make a gingerbread house for Christmas, Walmart has inexpensive kits with all of the stuff included...so this is what I did this afternoon..I have another kit that is a little camper , haven't put it together yet...Hope you are all having a great day!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

My house smells like Christmas! I rode my bike down the road and gathered up some pine needles. I added the pine needles to a pan of simmering water, along with a sliced lemon, orange, cinnamon sticks, bay leaves, whole cloves, cranberries and peppermint extract, It may be cold and rainy outside, but is all cozy and Christmasy in here...hope you are all having a great day!

Friday, December 09, 2016

Red Hat Christmas Party

We had our Red Hat Christmas party today. We played the "left,right" game and everyone got a gift from Country Creek Treasures. It was a fun time, as always. . The tables were decorated for Christmas, with lots of treats, including from scratch chocolate-covered cherry cupcakes made by our Red Hat Sister, Roxanne Pennington. Thanks for a wonderful time, ladies!

Saturday, December 03, 2016

Martin's Annual wine tasting event

We had a great time at the Martins annual wine tasting, here are a few random pix. The wine labels are half the fun, so here are a few I found interesting. Thanks so much for having us, Jeff and Lori Phillips Martin, we always enjoy it so much.. (how did that Mad Dog get in there??? :) ) The HOT wine, was very good, it had some heat, but was a good sweet wine, my other two new favorites are Pineapple wine and pear wine....but I mostly "tasted" my old standby Blackberry wine... ;)

Friday, December 02, 2016

Annual Girls of '67 Christmas party

We had our ladies of '67 Christmas party today. Everyone had an awesome time, and we played Dirty Santa, or sometimes called Rob Your Neighbor...how fun! So wonderful to see everyone...love all of these ladies so much (and you too Stephen Owens,) The American Legion did a great job with the food and thanks for putting up with us loud and crazy ladies... !