
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

A stormy day

What a storm right now, it's raining sideways!

Monday, May 28, 2018

A perfect day!

Such a beautiful evening! We roasted some wieners over the fire, had strawberry shortcake and watched the hundreds of fire flies glittering in the darkness...the end to a perfect day!
Look what we got today! I had to dip a few of them in chocolate (along with some bananas). .Then as if that wasn't enough sugar for one day, we bought a half dozen apple/cinnamon sugar coated donuts made fresh daily at Hawkins Schwartz orchard! Think I had better walk about 5 miles tomorrow.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Summer is here

It was too hot to do anything outside today, so I did a little crafting. It's gonna be a looooong summer... Hope you all had a good day!

Friday, May 25, 2018

A Tale of a confederate soldier

Since it is Memorial Day week end, I thought you might enjoy this little story from right here in Kinmundy. This is the grave of Enos W. Taylor, it is in a cemetery near our house. Sometime I take my walk there and yesterday, I saw this grave again and so here is the story, as is written on his tombstone. : "Enos W. Taylor, Hampshire Co., Virginia, a Confederate soldier, that was laid to rest, all alone from a prisoner of war train, never again to see his home so far away, He is now a faded memory of the past. forgotten by most and would have been forgotten by all, if not for the compassion shown by Isaac Eagan, who gave him a proper burial.". This is a true story and is written in the Kinmundy's historical records. The story is that he was gravely injured and was put on a train back to Virginia. He died on the train and they just threw him off along side the track...someone buried him in a shallow grave, supposedly with his boots up, to show that he was an enemy. This man, Isaac Eagan, then stepped in, and you know the rest of the story..I thought this was interesting and also sad. However, he has a very nice grave, there are always flowers and an American flag there, there is even a flag pole installed right there. So, that's my history lesson for today, you all have a good one, and if you took the time to read this long post, thank you!

UPDATE:  UPDATE: to my post about the Confederate soldier, Enos. W. Taylor, thank you, DAVID THOMSON: " Buddy Brimberry told me this story, too. He added that once Isaac had given the soldier a proper burial, he managed to get in contact with the family. I think they were from Virginia. Enos Taylor's mother and a couple other relatives traveled to Kinmundy by train, and were well received. The family of Enos Taylor thanked the people of Kinmundy for their hospitality and respect for Mr. Taylor, before returning home in peace."

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

My idea of a perfect evening

Ah, a beautiful evening by the fire...


Monday, May 21, 2018

Montana vacation 2011

I ran across this photo the other day...Can't believe it's been 7 years since we all went to Montana and stayed in Barb's cabin by the mountains and the lake..one of the best times ever.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Good times back in the early '60's...

Slumber party at Linda's house, good times!  I still see some of these ladies pretty often..

Friday, May 18, 2018

Visit with Uncle Bob...

I went to visit my uncle Bob (Robert Westman) at the nursing home today! He was taking a painting class and had won at blackout bingo on his birthday yesterday . He turned 92! He's doing really good and it really warmed my heart to see he was taking part in activities. We had a nice long visit too. — 

Time's up!

My daughter is working her last day in the cath. lab today, as her contract ends for her time in Chicago. Her husband and boys are on a plane flying into Chicago to meet her as we speak. They are going to drive home together back to Texas..everyone is so excited! So, if you would, please keep them all in your prayers for safe travels. Thank you.

Update:  Cary and the boys made it to Chicago safe and sound, Shelley is off work and now they are all together heading home to Texas tomorrow...Look at these happy faces.

Graduation day!

 Graduation day, must be time for flight school! There's still one down in the nest that was born a few days later than these, I think he's going to be pretty lonely without his brothers and sisters..

Finally the last one too off about noon today!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Another chaper in the robin chronicles

Another chapter in the Robin Chronicles...Our little robins are getting anxious wanting out of the next, there are 4 of them in there! Probably just a few more days and they will fly out into the world.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day to my mama in heaven

Happy Mother's day to my sweet mama in heaven! This is a picture of our last Christmas with her. We had such a good day with the family and she was healthy and happy. So thankful that this wonderful lady chose to be my mom. Miss her so much every day!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Mother's day dinner at Dona's house

We had a lovely day at my mother-in-law's house for Mother's day today! We all brought food and gifts and she didn't have to do a thing, except eat and enjoy her family. We all enjoyed it too! Bill and I have been sitting in the swing for the last few hours enjoying this gorgeous day! Hope you all have had a good one!

Baby Robins week two

Our baby robins this morning, they are growing so fast, probably be out of the nest soon.....

Friday, May 11, 2018

May Red Hat ladies lunch

I had lunch with my Red Hat sisters today! Our hostess Joan Bourland-Foltz made us each a beautiful corsage and gave us a fan...so pretty, thanks Joan. You did a great job ...Loved seeing all of you ladies! It was a small group today, but we had a fine time, as always!

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Pulled pork Wednesday....and another dream catcher

Cooked this pulled pork in the crock pot.so good. Topped with slaw! I'm always amazed at how much one little pork roast will make...also made another dream catcher. Before I even left the fabric shop the girl that works there said she wanted it. .Hope you all had a great day!

Monday, May 07, 2018

Yah! Bill put my hammock up yesterday! It was such a beautiful day. We worked outside for a while, sat in the swing for a while and then I laid in my hammock for a while....what a stressful day....wink, wink! I got this windsock hot air balloon thing last week when I was on my little vacation. I love it! It doesn't take much to entertain me! Have a great Monday all!

Friday, May 04, 2018

Time to come home!

It's a pretty long drive, about 5 to 6 hours...so half way we wanted to make a stop and relax for a bit...so what better place than URANUS...yes, URANUS...We bought fudge from URANUS...lol...Here are some other photos we took there...when you entered the Fudge Factory they said...Thanks for visiting URANUS..and then we you left that said ...Thanks for picking URANUS..lol...a lot of tongue in cheek stuff going on there...the last photo is my favorite...we were laughing so hard, I am surprised we were in focus...lol...what a great time we had these last few days!

Thursday, May 03, 2018

Show day!

We had lunch at the Rib Crib...my what great food!   I don't think their is any bad food in Branson...then we went to a couple of shows............SIX...saw them last time also, but they create a new show every year..just awesome...they are 6 real brothers that not only sing, but create all of the instruments with their voices, amazing.   Our next show was ABBA Tribute band...very, very good as well.  The last song was "Dancing Queen" and the whole audience stood up and danced, what fun!
I will try to add a video of SIX from Youtube at the end...! Keep in mind their are absolutely NO instruments, drums, guitar, cymbals, all done by their voices...

Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Girl's trip to Branson, Mo...woot!

Took a little trip to Branson, Mo, thanks to our friend, Carol Schwartz for inviting to stay in their condo and to Linda Miselbrook for doing all of the driving!  We all had lunch with our friend, Jeannie Marks, who had moved to Branson recently.  We ate lunch at the Top of the Rock, a beautiful Lodge overlooking a golf course, lakes, a quaint little church and miles of beautiful scenery!  Delicious food!   We went their our last trip to Branson. Jeannie had to leave, but the rest of us took a golf cart ride through water falls, ancient rocks, bridges and a cave...just beautiful and fun!