
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Enjoying this lovely evening in my hammock listening to the insects, but they are so dang loud! Then a train came down the tracks...even in the our little country town you can't catch a break!😜 pretty soon a tree frog will fall on my head.


Monday, August 23, 2021

Creamy chicken noodle soup

I know it's a hot summer day, but this creamy chicken noodle soup sounded yummy.....and it is!


Saturday, August 14, 2021

Froggy came a courtin'

Just me and this little guy sittin' by the fire tonight..


Just a swingin'

The old hammock is getting some years on it, (but then, so am I) but I'm still swingin'..


Friday, August 13, 2021

Red Hat Ladies lunch

Had lunch with my Red Hat sisters today, how fun! Had a great time playing bingo too. These ladies just brighten my day!


Power Outage in Kinmundy town

Finally after 9 hours our power is back on.The storms yesterday caused a huge tree to fall down on power lines about a block and a half from us, pulling the power poles sideways and of course breaking the lines. There was other damage and power outages and so the whole area was dark, including neighboring villages, like Alma. I'm not sure how extensive it went. Glad to have things back to normal. Sleeping without ac was no fun, very restless and waking up every little while..I'm sure that's the story of the whole town...everyone have a great day and drink lots of caffine!

Thursday, August 05, 2021

A great way to end the day...

Coffee by the fire pit where we stayed until nearly 10:00 PM, we have a friendly hoot owl in the trees behind our house.....a lovely evening and a great day!


A rare day out with BIll

Thanks to my brother-in-law, Steve, for staying with his mom, so that Bill and I could have some time together..It was fun day out shopping at the Goodwill in Centralia and Mt. Vernon, with supper at the Asian Buffet in Mt. Vernon. The food was wonderful! This was just my first plate...now home to sit by the fire pit. Hope you all had a great day!



Update on my mother-in-law, Dona....

My mother in law has dementia and has gotten substantially worse these last few months to the point that we are staying with her 24/7.  She can not be left alone, as she can barely walk, even with a walker.  We have to take her to the bathroom, sit her at her table and make her food and do most everything for her.  It is very sad to see her deteriorate like this...a terrible unforgiving disease....this has limited our life considerably, but it's something we must do as she is a lovely person and did not ask for this to be the end of her life...all prayers are appreciated.  We will ALL be needing them before this is over..

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Happy birthday Bill

Happy 63rd birthday to my husband, Bill. Happy birthday, honey, love you bunches! Enjoy the beer!