
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A beautiful foggy morning here in Kinmundy

 A beautiful foggy morning here in Kinmundy, IL!


Sunday, April 28, 2024

yummy steaks

 Look at these beautiful steaks we were having tonight! If you are local you can't beat the quality of Blair's in Louisville! Gotta go, I'm hungry!


Gardening time

 Well, it's been a busy and fun week end! Yesterday Bill and I just took off to parts unknown. We ended up in flora, IL. We went to several re-sale shops, a tractor supply store where a got a beautiful hummingbird feeder, lunch at Julian's, stopped by a local nursery where I got more plants, then ice cream at DQ. Today I potted all of my plants for the porch and we dug a new patch where we planted 6 tomato plants and 6 pepper plants. Now we are two pooped old people! Hope you have all had a great week end! I 'm so happy growing season is here! (I kept waiting for rain to wash off the porch, but no dice!)


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Throw Back Thursday

 TBT...with Mother's day just around the corner I was reminded how much I miss those girl's days out with my daughter and mom. There were so many good times, I wish I could go back in time just once more.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Happy Birthday, Preston!

 Happy, Happy 47th birthday to my son Preston,( Alexander Preston Phillips ) today! Have a great day son! Love you so much!


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Supper out with friends and tornadoes

 Supper out with friends tonight at Mama Antonio's. Tornado sirens going off all evening! We just ate our pizza and pasta anyway. Had a great time! Driving on the country roads in the dark and pouring rain, with blinding flashes of lightening, not so great. All is quiet on the home front now.

Hummingbird sighting

 We just saw our first hummingbird of the season!

Steampunk Horse frame and heart shaped box

 Yes, I've been crafting again! I thought it would be fun to do a Western themed steampunk frame for a change. The heart box was an experiment with a glue gun and candy molds.


Sunday, April 14, 2024

Now that's what I'm talkin' about!

 Now that's what I 'm talkin' about! Our neighbor gave us a few too.


Saturday, April 13, 2024

Pluto Repost

In 1987 my brother, Kent, and I went to California to visit our brother, Kim. We all traveled to Big Bear Mountain to a telescope making convention, where your average Joe can display his or her home-made telescope. It was a fun time of camping in the mountains and seeing all of the different types of telescopes. So anyway, the guest on Saturday was Clyde Tombaugh, the discoverer of the planet Pluto. So this is my only claim to fame, meeting Clyde Tombaugh and getting his autograph which is below. (Full disclosure, I also met Fats Domino and got his autograph back in the 70's) So, why after all of these years is Pluto being kicked out of our solar system?  Mr. Tombaugh would turn over in his grave if he knew this was happening. After all he did in his lifetime to further education in science this is the thanks he gets. Ok, the reason the scientists are giving for this decision is because using current technology there could be as many as 300 other planets in our galaxy equal to Pluto discovered near us well. (Update 2024..Pluto's orbit is more eliptical than our other planets and is more in the asteroid belt orbit. ) I guess it's all in the details.

The thing I remember the most about the convention was that next to our camping spot was a concession booth and they played the sound track from the" Wizard of Oz", constantly, they sang every word and did the different voices , the munchkins, the lion, Dorothy, it was a scream....I remember sitting on the tailgate of my brother's red toyota pickup and drinking beer and eating cookies and laughing our asses off at these crazy people. Now that I have actually done the concession thing I can see how they got like


Friday, April 12, 2024

Mushrooms! Yay!

 Look what Bill found in our yard this afternoon! They will be delicious when I fry them up! Had to put a quarter there so you can see the size of them. The deer are gonna miss out this time.


Thursday, April 11, 2024

A gift for my brother, Kent


Made this as a gift for my brother, Kent, a few days ago. I hope you are all having a good day. I am not. I have an infection in my gum where I had two root canals 6 years
ago that are.beside each other. So now I have to take these cursed antibiotics for a week! Crowns are notorious for cracking...thus the bacteria can get in there and cause havoc...very painful right now...thanks for listening to me whine....other than that I am having a great day!


Monday, April 08, 2024

Happy Solar Eclipse Day!

 Happy Solar Eclipse Day...how exciting!


Solar Eclipe....absolutely Amazing!

 A few photos from the eclipse today. What a fun day! We had a picnic by the firepit and watched the whole thing from our yard! You could here people shouting all over town and there were quite a few fireworks too! Thanks to my brother, Kent, for taking most of these pictures, pretty good for a Samsung phone!



Friday, April 05, 2024

Family time

 Family here today, we are celebrating the Eclipse early! So....I made an Eclipse cake! Having such a great time!


Thursday, April 04, 2024

Happy Birthday to my grandson, Caleb!

 Happy 18th Birthday to my grandson, Caleb today! We love you, have a great day!


Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Walmart photo with my friend Dave Farley

 For years my friend Dave Farley has been putting pictures of his friends on facebook that come into Walmart to shop, today was my turn!  Thanks, Dave, it was great seeing you!


I'm confused...

 So far this morning, it has rained, blown, sleeted and clouded up, then the sun came out..oh and last night it snowed! (It's only 9 a.m.)