
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Something Wicked This Way Comes

People...it is raining cats and dogs here in Illinois, maybe even Chinchillas! Clouds were looming all day. However, hubby and I traveled to Paducah, Ky. We had lots of laughs, since hubby is completely insane...but I digress....a delicious lunch was enjoyed at the Los Amigos restaurant, a jewish food place.......naw...I'm just kidding, of course , it is Mexican and was wonderful! Still we drove home fast so that grass could be mowed before the impending rain. I went into the next town to my mom's for a while, expecting to find hubby asleep when I returned, instead he is running around the front yard with a rug on his head trying to catch the dog (who did NOT want to go back into her pen) all this was taking place in the pouring rain! Naturally, I laughed because ..well, let's face it, nothing is funnier than running around the yard with a rug on your head!!!..... It's ok though, we are all tucked into our little home, a pot of hot coffee, some chocolate cake and a good evening was had by all!

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