
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Birthday dinner with Shelley and Cary

Today we went to Decatur to visit Shelley and Cary. We met them at our usual place, the Big Red Barn, amish restaurant. We had a delicious lunch and visited some of the gift shops there.

Shelley is VERY pregnant now, she looked so cute and had that wonderful glow about her. She is pretty miserable though and has to sleep sitting up. Poor girl!

We went back to their new house, it is so cute, even though it needs some work. The baby's room is all done in Winnie the Pooh and they had bought lots of really cute clothes and things. The shower is in February, so I hope she gets everything she wants.

The day went way too fast. I wish they lived closer, I really miss her. I miss all of my little ones, time goes by so fast!

Soon, Preston and Amanda will be parents too! I am such a happy grandma-to-be!

Here are a few pictures from the day, Shelley wasn't smiling much, but I understand. There isn't alot of room for the baby when you are 5 feet tall!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Oh, just one more thing

Oh, and they finally got that space craft launched today....so it is on it's way to Pluto.

So, in 2015, I'll be back to tell you what it discovered on it's 9 year voyage.

The Red Hatters Ride Again

Mom and I had a great time at our Red Hat meeting last night. It was at an old farm house and was very homey and fun. We ate in a big kitchen with tables all decorated with purple table cloths, and pink and red plates and napkins. We each had a champagne glass filled with valentines candies and chocolates and covered with red netting and a silver ribbon as our table favors. We had chili, cheese and crackers and a wonderful black forest cake for dessert. We had kool-aid to drink because it went with our colors...Red, Pink lemonade and grape....
While we were eating a little kid came in the back door...in a hat and carrying a big purple handbag that looked like it had been sat on...
It was Janet's (hostess for the night). GRANDSON!!!! Grandpa had taken him out into the garage and dressed him up like a Red Hat girl....we all about spit our chili out laughing... :) :) He ran away pretty quick, so no time for a pic.

The rest of the evening some of them made beaded bracelets with purple and red beads, MK and I didn't make any because we knew if we wanted a REALLY pretty bracelet we would just have Doris make one for us...can't mess with perfection. Some of them were working on scrap booking. We visited and got to know the ones we didn't know for sure. It was fun. When we left we each got a scrapbook, just for Red Hat ladies with a beautiful Red Hat design on the front. So that was our night...with much laughing...too many things to even remember....it started when Wilma put her hat on sideways and it went down hill from there!
We are going to attend the Spring Fling in southern Illinois the first of April, which is a big convention, so I am looking forward to that! Their theme this year is: New York Lady.....guess I need to make a trip to New York to see how they all dress.. :P

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Pluto or Bust

And I am not talking about the Disney dog...

For the last two days NASA has been trying to launch a space probe to the planet Pluto. They have had the worst luck.

First Day...wind was 33 mph...to fast
Second Day....electrical problems at Maryland, where it was to be tracked

Let's see what happens tomorrow.

Happy Birthday to ME...it's all about ME

So, I just had my birthday yesterday, so this entry is all about me. ha ha.

However, this is what has happened since I last blogged..

I had the flu for a week or more.....now I am much better and so the festivities about me for me took place as planned.

Monday, Jan. 16th I went for my yearly mammogram...woo hoo to that!....after that I went to mom's and we went to Applebee's for lunch,, we had a wonderful chicken fahita wrap and flavored tea. Next we went to Walmart, where I got two new pairs of flannel jammies and a pretty red suede throw pillow to put on my bed. Then back to mom's where we had chocolate cheesecake and coffee......all of this just for me..
I also received a beautiful birthday card from mom and it almost made me cry...if I hadn't been so happy about the fact that the mammogram was over, I probably would have.

I also received many cards in the mail, e-cards (the one from Preston, Amanda and family was just hilarious and I played it over and over again, and laughed histerically), and a sweet text message from my friend, Veronica in Venezuela! Some of my on-line friends had a birthday party for me, where they posted pictures of gag gifts, adult food items and photoshopped pictures of me with my favorite singer, along with a smutty mini-novel to go along with the pictures....it was such fun! I felt like I had been to a real live party!

I also talked to Shelley and Darren, each for an hour, and I talked to Preston and Amanda during the weekend. So I was a happy camper that ALL of my babies remembered me on my special day.

So today things are back to normal....let out the dog, made coffee, drank coffee, put up the dog. Let the chickens out of their coop, fed them. Came in and did fun things, like laundry and dishes. Went out and turned the chickens loose upon the neighborhood so they could run around and eat grass. Went for a walk in the cemetery, as always. Watched some tv, and here I am. See, I told you it was all about me!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year's Eve in a Small Town

Sounds like a good name for a broadway play, doesn't it? New Year's Eve in a Small Town........
Bill and I usually go to the "Legends" Bar, attached to the local Denny's and Days Inn in Salem, IL, where we had our first date way back in 1993. It was a Wednesday night in November (fade to dream sequence here), Rhonda Murphy and I went to the same bar and ate supper. We danced with a bunch of other girls (cause that's how we do it, here in boonie-ville), About that time the "Electric Slide" was very popular, so Ronda taught me how to do it, and we had such fun. I kept wondering if Bill would even show up, since I just casually invited him to meet us after his second shift was over, but was REALLY wanted to be with him. Soon, he showed up and we dance and talked...and alas, the rest is history!........Fade back to present day......New Year's 2006.

Hubby and I met my brother, Kent and an old girl friend of his, Mattie. We had a great time. The DJ was very young and thought he was 'USHER'...he was white, but dressed and danced with a pimp hat on, touching the brim, just like Usher! While playing songs, by Usher.......This is what I thought about that... (raspberry here)! The DJ accomadated all of us oldies too though with some old Bob Seger, Aero Smith songs, the "chicken dance" polka and played a disco version of the Star Wars theme at midnight! It was fun. My brother is nuts and my hubby joined in an egged him on! The rap music sucked, so we made up our own words, which I can't repeat even here!

We toasted in the New Year with cheap champagne, and a dance to......what else?...Some tunes by Usher!! Not that I don't like Usher, because, I do think he has talent, but it's hard to dance to that stuff, I am too old, I tried though...it was not pretty.

So Sappy New Year everyone.......my resolution........to NOT do the Chicken dance in public ever again.
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