
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Birthday dinner with Shelley and Cary

Today we went to Decatur to visit Shelley and Cary. We met them at our usual place, the Big Red Barn, amish restaurant. We had a delicious lunch and visited some of the gift shops there.

Shelley is VERY pregnant now, she looked so cute and had that wonderful glow about her. She is pretty miserable though and has to sleep sitting up. Poor girl!

We went back to their new house, it is so cute, even though it needs some work. The baby's room is all done in Winnie the Pooh and they had bought lots of really cute clothes and things. The shower is in February, so I hope she gets everything she wants.

The day went way too fast. I wish they lived closer, I really miss her. I miss all of my little ones, time goes by so fast!

Soon, Preston and Amanda will be parents too! I am such a happy grandma-to-be!

Here are a few pictures from the day, Shelley wasn't smiling much, but I understand. There isn't alot of room for the baby when you are 5 feet tall!

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