
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Adventures at the Royale Dumpe..continued

Meanwhile, back at the Dumpe.....

All during the evening (which went on until 9:30 or so), instead of applauding we were given a "banger", a wooden stick to hit on the table. Robert and Teresa and the other friends that were with are just hilarious and so there was a lot of "whacking" going on during the evening for no reason!...

After the dinner of, Cornish hen, baked potatoes, steamed mixed vegetables, bread and cheesecake, they chose this poor guy out of the audience and accused him of committing some crime!..They put in him the stocks and sent the jester looking for a "virgin" in the audience to free him. The "jester" came back with a pregnant girl, that looked like she was due yesterday....to funny.... :)

Finally all of the "virgins" in the audience had to kiss him on the check to free him, while all the while the audience was throwing pieces of bread at him!...

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