To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained.........
no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.
Baby Garret Returns
Shelly and Garret came to stay for the weekend. It was so nice to be able to hold him and feed him and give him lots of grandma-love! Mom had a nice long visit with him too! We just love him so much. He is starting to smile now and has a beautiful grin, a smiling baby is always a beautiful thing. Shelley, Bill and I had lots of laughs! She is definately her mama's daughter!
(Oi Vay)...Shelley that's for you...ha ha. She goes back to work in the ER Wed. so this will probably be the last visit for a long time....:-(..., but of course, we will make some trips up to Decatur too, as soon as we can!
Shelley wanted a picture of Garret in a serpia color, so we took a few pix and I made her this one. She took a copy home to frame.
We love you Baby Garret......
Now when will that baby Caleb be coming to visit at Grandma's house so I can give him lots of grandma-love too????
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