
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Halterman's Chicken Ranch

Kim and Sylvia....these are especially for you. I know I promised pictures weeks ago, but I finally did it.....this is George (as in Clooney) the rooster, because he is so beautiful and cocky and is quite a ladies man. Here's something you don't see everyday....5 chickens symetrically spaced...yeah, I know, only I would notice that!.
This is my little buddy "Bugger", we call her that because she will follow you around like a little puppy at your heels, waiting for you to lift up a board, or a stone to see if there are any tasty morsels underneath, like worms or rolly pollies.....she talks to me the whole time. Here are some random chickens, one of them is named "Gimpster", because the dog scared her one day and she hurt herself and couldn't walk or anything. I just kept her in a nest and kept little feeding and watering bowls by her. Then I would hold her on my lap when the other chickens were out running because she couldn't walk or I would put a little wire pen around her and sit her in the sunshine, slowly she got to moving and now she just runs with the rest of them. Yes, I hold and pet my chickens....so what!!.....lol.
These two are Blondie and Baby. Blonde is blind in one eye, so you can sneak up on her right side and pick her up, she doesn't mind anyway, she talks to us too and follows us around. If she gets lost from the rest of the flock, she just gets on the front porch and starts making a distressed noise and the rooster comes and finds her.....he is a really cool rooster and is not mean.

Don't guess I'll be holding my breath waiting for PBS to show up and do a chicken report...ha ha

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