
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Greater St. Louis Renaissance Faire.

When entering the Renn-faire gates, the first thing you see are these musicians. The lead singer is announcing in a smoothe DJ voice."We are playing hits from the 1600's".....they were very good, most songs were foreign, but of course, this is the French Renaissance, and Europe was well traveled even back then. Many songs were in Spanish and French and a few English favorites were among their "hits".
This was the "Cardinal"...he was quite the character and was giving away little cards that said "Get out of Hell Free"...they looked like the monopoly Get out of Jail cards, with the same little man on it! This guy talked with a lisp and was hilarious.
These are the Limey Birds, a singing trio that told jokes and used members from the audience in their act.
They took quite a liking to Bill, singing about what a great lover he is....what do they know, they are from Toronto.......(seriously, they are).....

I entered the little fairy village. There was glitter all over the area and for some reason this tree is upside down....Here is a strange woodland creature that was wandering around the fairy garden, squeaking. I tried to get her picture a few time but she kept running away into the woods. Finally got her though.
Uh-oh...someone knows Bill has Turkey Legs.
This was a beautiful and interesting sculpture in front of one of the vendors. It is a globe and is made up of people....a close up is below.
Even all of the countries were made up of masses of people....
A monk.
This was a strange fox/pirate/person and another pirate girl with stripy sox.
I was giving him the rabbit ears....no comment from him
Just me winking at Bill...
It had rained alot and so the regular joust couldnt' be performed due to the deep mud and would be hard on the horses, so the jousters just rode on each others shoulders and did the joust which turned into a mud fight and was actually more fun thant he regular joust.
We ended the day at the "Dead parrot" tavern with some lively Irish music.

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