
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Red Hat Wahinies

Mom and I had our turn at being the hostesses of the June Red Hat gathering, so we decided to have a Luau. Janet arrived in style on her motorcycle, all decked out with her red hat stuff.

We had sloppy joes, Pork BBQ, potatoe salad and slaw outside in the warm evening breese..and I do mean warm! They look like they are enjoying it.
Everyone received a pair of funky sunglasses, along with their own ice cream sundae dish and a rubber duckie!...So we just had to strike a pose.
Ok, we finally really got into it....striking the pose that is!
What's a luau without a Piniata???? Rhae is completely lost...well, that's not really unusual, but she can't find the piniata...it's right in front of you girl!
Pat was relentless she beat it to the ground...
And then beat it to a pulp.....I think she has "issues"...:)
Never throw candy in front of middle aged ladies....

Everyone is making their own sundas....
Here's me.....
Here's mom, looks like she's have a great time too...*hugs*
This was one of the door prizes.....some people just have to show off!..

These are such a great bunch of ladies, can't imagine having anymore fun than with them...
hugs for everyone.

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